
Thursday, April 30, 2020


  1. Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study

    This is a retrospective cohort study which included two cohorts (active and expired) of 780 cases with laboratory-confirmed infection of SARS-CoV-2 in Indonesia. Age, sex, co-morbidity, Vitamin D status, and disease outcome (mortality) were extracted from electronic medical records. The aim was to determine patterns of mortality and associated factors, with a special focus on Vitamin D status. Results revealed that majority of the death cases were male and older and had pre-existing condition and below normal Vitamin D serum level. Univariate analysis revealed that older and male cases with pre-existing condition and below normal Vitamin D levels were associated with increasing odds of death. When controlling for age, sex, and comorbidity, Vitamin D status is strongly associated with COVID-19 mortality outcome of cases.

    [Short summary- People with "insufficient" levels were 12.5x more likely to die and those with "deficient" levels were 19.1x more likely to die of WuFlu than those with "sufficient" or "normal" levels of Vitamin D in their blood. Download the study PDF and read the details for yourself.]

    My question based on the data in this study- For a person under age 60 who has no health problems and has a "sufficient" level of Vitamin D, what is their risk of contracting WuFlu and what is their risk of ending up in the ICU? I recall that protecting the health care system was the primary justification for locking everyone up at home and shutting down the private economy. Of people who own and work at small to medium business what percent are below age 60? It should now be very clear we are quarantining the wrong people. We are murdering our own economy for reasons that are not supported by the real-world experience with this virus.

    As of this morning of our 114 counties in Missouri, 18 have had zero infected people reported. 11 counties have had only 1 case each. So in 25% of the whole state we have had 11 infections. There have been more deaths by auto accident in those counties than by WuFlu. I looked it up myself in the Highway Patrol accident database.

    It is also clear that the emergency powers that have been claimed and imposed have themselves increasingly become the emergency. So when our heads have cleared and we can discuss issues in the light of hindsight, we really must deliberate about what powers we grant to officials with an eye to refining and clarifying them. I would hope that at the very least we modify them to be very short lived and to expire unless affirmed by the legislature.

    Ewin Barnett

  2. Discussion of lawsuit against CDC for patenting coronavirus

  3. Awake in Texas. We have men outside a hair salon in Dallas standing as sentinels as the owner opens for business.

    I am also, awake in Texas.
