
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Government Sanctioned Suicide: Study Finds Coming Economic Crisis Could Lead to 831,600 Suicides – Or 13 Times the Number of Coronavirus Deaths

Defensive Democrats Scold Coronavirus Lockdown Protesters As Demonstrations Spread Across Country

Dem Rep. AOC Deletes Tweet Calling For a Communist Revolution, Celebrating Destruction of US Economy

The Government Filled a SoCal Skate Park with Sand, So the Skaters Turned it Into a Dirt Bike Track (VIDEO)

STUNNING! Pelosi Bragged on MSNBC on How Democrats Killed Crucial Funding to Small Businesses During Coronavirus Crisis (VIDEO)

1 comment:

  1. We may see similarlities in Trump-Russia and Comey/Clapper/Brennan. Where Trump-Russia coup started with a phony dossier, Covid-as-kill-shot-to economy coup started w phony modeling. The people in charge decimate our world (Comey et al, Gates, Fauci et al) and answer for nothing.
