
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Elizabeth City, North Carolina: Drones Monitoring People In Their Backyards, $1000 Fine for Failure to Comply With Social Distancing Guidelines


  1. Our police department recently purchased two drones. My fear has been they would use it for code enforcement: Look for trashy back yards, someone storing a non-running car in their own driveway, etc.

    What about private property rights, the right to use your own land as pleased?

    Let them go ahead and ban sex, and let's just get on with the revolt in high gear. How easily we have given up income, freedom of movement, freedom of worship and of association. Our Constitution has been shredded and none of us are safe from the "I am here to help" crowd.

  2. 30 second Movie scene from the film "1776":

    Ben Franklin on Liberty vs. Safety

  3. The workplace monitoring tool
    Here we go comrades.... CCTV surveillance monitors with targeted loudspeaker alarms soon to declare:


    Now, where did we first hear about that?

    Landing AI MIT promoting was founded by Andrew Ng, a UK-born Chinese-American.

    Andrew Ng was former VP & Chief Scuentist At China’s telecom virus Baidu.

    MIT basically promotes letting China spy on Americans!
    Face with symbols over mouth

  4. Are they going to send out the Mechanical Hound from Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451?

  5. TLEP,
    What about private property rights, the right to use your own land as pleased?

    We already lost our rights for those here in Fairfax County, Virginia.

    $100 fine per day of not complying -- and we don't get the notice for at least 30 days. I'm not kidding!
