
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

French Carrier Suffers COVID-19 Outbreak: 1,000 Sailors Infected, 8 Hospitalizations, 0 Deaths — More Evidence So-Called ‘Experts’ Failed

From Gateway Pundit:

There was an coronavirus outbreak aboard the French aircraft carrier De Gaulle. So far, nearly 60% of the crew have tested positive for the virus. However, no deaths and only eight hospitalizations have been reported. This suggests the virus is losing its potency or it never was that lethal to begin with. And it may also be due to better treatment for coronavirus cases.

1 comment:

  1. As one who has enjoyed several vacations on cruise ships of varying would seem the ventilation system supporting these massive vessels needs to address the issue of contamination - particularly for our military vessels.
    It seems these recent incidents involving hundreds of passengers and crew being exposed to and infected with the virus creates a situation which makes a ship vulnerable to future attack through delivery of supplies and well as person to person.

    We were scheduled to cruise at the end of March for our 42 anniversary but cancelled our flight and cruise in early Feb. Despite travel insurance, so far we lost about 25% value of our trip because the cruise company offered us 75% value if we re-book within a year.
    We have no plans to re-book unless the ventilation contamination issue is adequately addressed.
