
Friday, April 10, 2020

New German Study Finds Coronavirus Mortality Rate at 0.37% -- Ten Times Less Than Flawed WHO Numbers that Sent Global Community into a Panic

New German Study Finds Coronavirus Mortality Rate at 0.37% -- Ten Times Less Than Flawed WHO Numbers that Sent Global Community into a Panic

The actual flus mortality rate - based upon estimated cases vs known deaths - is .01.

This means the Coronavirus is perhaps 3.7 times as deadly as the Flu.

The average flu season kills about 30K to 50K people per year.

That means Coronavirus might kill 110K to 185K people.

I believe these numbers are close to true.

And now that I have said that, I will also say, it seems to me that, if the Coronavirus were handled intelligently, rather than like a panicked herd of buffalo running off the end of a cliff, then the death rate of Coronavirus would be considerably lower.

We know that only .09 of Coronavirus deaths have been people with no other "co-morbidities."

So the answer would be for the people with Co-morbidities to stay home, while the rest of us all go out and live our lives.

Having shut down the economy the way we have is one of the biggest mistakes in human history.

The notion that we can jumpstart the economy and everything will just go back to where it was is absolutely insane.

Many small businesses will have been irreparably harmed.

The effect of people not paying their rent, or mortgage, will roll through the mortgage business into Wall Street, and then back. The Financial industry will suffer for months, and that suffering will roll through the rest of the economy like a tidal wave.

It will take considerable time for people to find new jobs, because they will not immediately be there.

The longer people go without jobs, the more various parts of the economy will freeze up.

I can't see us getting out of this for a year or more.

And Trump believed these experts.

What a nightmare.

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