
Friday, April 10, 2020

Trump Starting a 2nd Coronavirus Task Force to Focus on Re-Opening the Economy

WASHINGTON — President Trump is expected to announce the creation of a second coronavirus task force focused on reopening the nation’s battered economy, according to reports. 
The smaller task force would run alongside the existing operation headed by Vice President Mike Pence, which has been focused on delivering urgently needed medical supplies to the states and providing a bailout to small businesses and the unemployed. 
The new economic task force will include members of the administration, officials from the Treasury Department, private sector CEOs and even well-known athletes, according to reports Thursday from the Washington Post and CNN. 
Chief of staff Mark Meadows is expected to lead the effort, several officials told The Post, but no decision has been made. 
According to the reports, the task force will focus on how to reopen the economy which has collapsed since the virus swept the US in early March, with more than 16 million Americans losing their jobs in the last three weeks.


  1. Major Meat Processors Shutting Down Plants As Employees Get Sick With COVID-19

  2. I knew it!
    Follow the money.
    They're lying about the number of patients for FUNDING!

    $13,000 per patient and $39,000 per patient on a ventilator!

  3. He said it. James P Kiley, NHLBI: "Hydroxychloroquine has showed promise in a lab setting against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, & preliminary reports suggest potential efficacy in small studies with patients,"
    NIH Begins Trial to Test Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID-19

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) said on Thursday it was testing anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19, days after several U.S. doctors said they were using the drug

  4. Kevin_Shipp Micrsoft's World Patent for a human implantable chip to sample body bio metrics and transmit the information to a communication device or network. Patent # WO 2020 060606.
    Gates' Program ID 2020
    Catch the #'s.... not kidding
    See here
