
Monday, May 18, 2020

Washington State: "Request For Voluntary Quarantine" - "If You Choose Not To Comply We May Use Detention Order Enforced By The Police"

Here is the page from the Washington State website which would have contained the forms.

They still have the forms for Involuntary detention, but the one above is not spelled out so clearly, for some reason.

It could be that the state of Washington has gone covert on this, as they do have a posted statement about "misinformation about quarantine orders":


I have seen mention that this is a form used by "Contact Tracers", but I do not have documentation to know if this is true or not.

Here is information about Contact Tracers:

THE BANALITY OF EVIL: Boring-As-Fuck Public Health Director Announces Program Where Armies of "Contact Investigators ... In All of the States" Will Be Pulling COVID-Infected People Out Of Their Homes and Putting Them In Quarantine Centers

At 5:15, this maniac says that "it's not just our county who will be bringing these people on, there are going to be thousands of people who are going to be these Contact Investigators throughout the state, and this is occurring in many, many states as well, perhaps ALL OF THE STATES."

At the 5:50 mark he outlines a program whereby the state of California has decided they will pull people out of their homes and isolate them in quarantine centers.


Church in Rural Butte County, California Has Service, One Person With COVID Attends, Public Health Officials Track Down Every Single Person Who Attended The Service


  1. Learn about the theory behind #lockdown & #socialdistancing.

    (developed by 14 year old Laura M. Glass in 2006)

    Laura’s name appears on the foundational paper arguing for lockdowns and forced human separation. That paper is Targeted Social Distancing Designs for Pandemic Influenza (2006).
    In other words, it was a high-school science experiment that eventually became law of the land, and through a circuitous route propelled not by science but politics.

    The primary author of this paper was Robert J. Glass, a complex-systems analyst with Sandia National Laboratories. He had no medical training, much less an expertise in immunology or epidemiology.

  2. “The federal government has ramped up security and police-related spending in response to the coronavirus pandemic, including issuing contracts for riot gear, disclosures show.
    “The purchase orders include requests for disposable cuffs, gas masks, ballistic helmets, and riot gloves, along with law enforcement protective equipment for federal police assigned to protect Veterans Affairs facilities. The orders were expedited under a special authorization “in response to Covid-19 outbreak.”

  3. Here in Northern Virginia, my cousin was quarantined by the Department of Health via contact tracing.

  4. realDonaldTrump
    ⁩ says he is taking #Hydroxychloroquine

  5. Pasto,
    I'm not sure what I think.

    My cousin was convinced that all the hype about corona virus was pure bs. But now that the problem seems to have invaded her home and her family, she's not so sure. She is glad that she didn't come here last Friday to take me to the oral surgeon -- her reaction telling me that she is concerned that at least some of the hype is real.

  6. Pasto,
    It's hard to tell if she's sick. It's seasonal allergies time here, and she's been congested. She's also concerned that having to wear the same N95 mask so much (employer's requirement) over and over again is making her seasonal allergies worse. Could be, IMO.

    No fever as far as I know.

    Also, as far as I know, her husband and her stepson, both of whom are in her household, are also showing no symptoms; neither is her stepdaughter and her step-son-in-law. All of those people in her family are also quarantined.

    BTW, the whole job where her husband works is shut down completely for two weeks -- a new house being built. Everyone on that job is quarantined! No work, no pay.

  7. Did they shut down her husband's work for two weeks because she tested positive?

    That is evil. If that is the case, then that shows why I have called Contact Tracers evil.

    This is not a thing to be taken lightly, like, oh, maybe she is sick. If she can't tell the difference between Coronavirus and her seasonal allergies, then she isn't that sick. And that is typical of Coronavirus in normal people; they don't get that sick.

    so why shut down businesses and work sites?


  8. Pasto,
    They shut down her husband's electrical contractor business -- and the building site where he, along with several other contractors were working for two weeks.

    My cousin has not tested positive. Neither has my husband's electrician cousin. Two workers on the building site tested positive -- with symptoms, BTW.

    This same shit happened a few weeks ago. Two week quarantine that time -- for anyone who came into a positive worker and anyone on that building site. Ever widening circles.

  9. Agreed.

    But the cost of taking this to court only to lose here in Northam's Virginia! My state has been under Democrat control since 2008. The courts are ruined.
