
Thursday, June 04, 2020

BBQ Man Who Fed Police For Free Shot and Killed While Cooking For His Neighborhood During Protests

Louisville police released new information Tuesday about the fatal shooting of a local business owner during a protest earlier this week, as friends and neighbors gathered to mourn. David McAtee, who was known as "the BBQ Man, was shot and killed early Monday. 
The Louisville Metro Police Department said Tuesday that surveillance video shows McAtee fired a weapon before he was killed, CBS affiliate WKLY-TV reports. 
Acting Chief Rob Schroeder said the video does not make clear why McAtee opened fire, who he was aiming at or how close he was to officers at the time. When asked whether it was clear if McAtee fired the first shot, police officials said it appears so at this point, but the investigation is ongoing. 
McAtee was serving food at an outdoor stand past the city-mandated curfew amid the protests over the police killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Jason Green, an eyewitness to the shooting and customer of McAtee's, told WKLY-TV that McAtee used to give police officers free food. 
"He talks to them, they come and hold conversations... I've even see one time where one cop brought him food because his granny made it," Green said. "There's nothing bad to say about this man. He was a good man."

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