
Friday, June 05, 2020

Protestors, Infiltators, Rioters, Looters, and Violent Criminals

The ability to make distinctions is the evidence of intelligence.

There are Protestors, and most of them have legitimate grievances in our current circumstances.

There are infiltrators who attempt to co-opt the agenda of the protestors in various ways, some criminal, and some political. Some are both criminal and political.

Some of the infiltrators are rioters people who break store windows, set fire to things, and make it their purpose to scare people.

Some are looters who enter stores and homes and steal property that is not their own.

Some of violent criminals, as we see here.


  1. You give the nonviolent ones far too much credit.

  2. Replies
    1. They say their protest is about justice, but the police were charged and the justice process had started. Justice, therefore, must be a pretext. They say there is systematic racism, but the data does not bear this out. This must either be a pretext or an argument advanced out of ignorance. This leads me to ask then, what is the real reason for the protest? Are Antifa and their fellow travelers like jihadists in that some are violent, others pre-violent, and others still merely evangelists and propagandists?

      If one can see the violence that breaks out on the first day and still go back on the second and third even after arrests have been made, then one will have understand why people question the motives of the nonviolent participants.

  3. Useful idiots syndrome....Non-violent protestors provide some legitimacy to the criminal elements and the msm fuels the legitimacy

    We are a nation of laws and the courts are set up to serve justice. However, the equal balance sought by these courts has been undermined through politics of division.

    Even the equalizing factor "one person - one vote" has been undermined with the negation of voter ID and extended voting opportunities such as universal mail in ballots which enable ballot harvesting by criminal progressive elements.

    The left has delegitimized every sovereign element of this nation - it's borders, it's liberty, it's equality, it's individual representation, ...everything.

  4. The protesters are protesting a fantasy.
    Systemic racism? LOLOLOLOL!!!!
    The entire 'system' is slanted in favor of blacks.
