
Thursday, June 04, 2020

WTH? NFL Great Drew Brees Attacked for Saying: “I Will Never Agree with Anybody Disrespecting the Flag of the United States of America” …Update: Forced to Apologize

WTH? NFL Great Drew Brees Attacked for Saying: “I Will Never Agree with Anybody Disrespecting the Flag of the United States of America” …Update: Forced to Apologize

1 comment:

  1. Hey, they took down the statue of the Texas Ranger at Dallas Love Field airport becuase he was a racist.

    And I cant seem to round up anyone to go riot and loot about it.

    Soon they'll be teaching our children that the defenders of the Alamo were racists as well.

    Bottom line, they want to destroy our heritage more than we want to defend it.

    Does anyone know where I can download an Apology Template in .pdf?

    Because I know a lost cause when I see it.
