
Friday, June 05, 2020

You Will Be Made To Bow: White Leftists Kneel Before Blacks They Harmed By Being Born White

I’ve written well over 1,500 posts for Legal Insurrection over the years, and one that stands out in my memory as a heartbreaking emblem of “woke” culture was a post about a school in New York City that was teaching little K-8 white children they were “born racist.” 
Children were coming home in tears, telling their parents that they were “a bad person.” It was such a moment of clarity, too, though. 
The left’s stranglehold on our education system from kindergarten through college is a demented, truly evil exercise not only in undermining America but in destroying real human beings, of instilling self-loathing, removing self-esteem, and ensuring that victims of their indoctrination not only hate America but hate themselves. 
These anti-values are now manifesting in disgusting displays of self-hatred. We are seeing “woke” white leftists bowing down before black people in a bizarre cultist ritual of self-flagellation. 
For what are they “begging forgiveness”? For the “sin” of being born white. Literally, that’s their crime against humanity, not just to the sickos lauding a “beautiful moment,” but to the penitents themselves.

Amid the scenes circulating on social media this week of protesters and rioters and burned out storefronts and police barricades, two of them stand out as harbingers of what all of this means for the future of mainstream American society.
The first was a video clip of a small group of white people kneeling down before a group of black people. A white man at the head of the kneeling group was praying, his voice shaking with emotion: “Father, we ask for forgiveness from our black brothers and sisters for years and years of racism, of systematic racism.”
The second was a clip of a large gathering in the affluent DC suburb of Bethesda, Maryland. Nearly a thousand protesters, most of them white, their hands raised as if in prayer, engaged in a kind of collective woke sermon, repeating after a man on a microphone: “I will use my voice in the most uplifting way possible, and do everything in my power to educate my community. I will love my black neighbors the same as my white ones…”
. . . . The model at work here is the Chinese Cultural Revolution, with its mass “struggle sessions” in which anyone deemed insufficiently sympathetic to the proletariat, or thought to have an excessively bourgeois lifestyle, was subjected to public humiliations, paraded through the streets, assaulted, denounced, and put on display as objects of scorn. Often these struggle sessions ended in false confessions and pleas for mercy.

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