
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Blue States Have Been Hit Much Harder by COVID-19. Why?

In March, data guru Nate Silver wrote about the different ways blue states and red states were experiencing the COVID-19 epidemic, noting that “states Clinton won do have considerably more total reported cases.” 
COVID-19 was not just a blue state problem though. Silver pointed out that cases in red states were increasing far more rapidly. “Nine of the 10 states that have seen the most rapid increase in coronavirus from Monday to Thursday are states that voted for Trump in 2016,” Silver wrote. 
Days later, The Atlantic published an article titled “The Coronavirus’s Unique Threat to the South.” The article saw similar ominous signs for red states, particularly a “four-state arc of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia.” 
Months later we have a more complete picture of the data, which shows blue states have borne the brunt of the COVID devastation. Eleven of the 12 states (including the District of Columbia) with the highest COVID-19 fatality rates are traditional blue states. Leading the way, unsurprisingly, is New York, which posted the highest deaths, total (31,346) and per capita (1,611 per 1M).* New Jersey is not far behind New York, however (1,478/1M). These states are followed by Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia. Just one red state—Louisiana, seventh highest with 680/1M—cracked the top twelve. 
The question is, why? After all, blue states tended to have the most stringent lockdowns. 
Indeed ...


  1. Democrats. Comprehensive explanation for everything bad or evil in the country today.

  2. Political shakedown via contact tracing for covid-19:

    Rockland County issues subpoenas, fines to contain coronavirus cluster

    Rockland County is playing hardball to contain a coronavirus cluster, issuing subpoenas and threatening $2,000 daily fines to force a group of partygoers to cooperate with health officials.
    At issue is a party in mid-June in the town of Clarkstown where as many as 100 people were exposed to the deadly bug and eight have already tested positive — yet the revelers refuse to assist the county, reported Wednesday.
    “My staff has been told that a person does not wish to or have to speak to my disease investigators,” county Health Commissioner Patricia Schnabel Ruppert said at a press conference.
    “They hang up. They deny being at the party, even though we have found their names from another party attending or a parent provides us with the information. They do not answer their cell phones and do not
    call back.”
