
Thursday, July 02, 2020

Brad Johnson discuses the Q Anon prediction of ANTIFA attacks rumoured to be set for 4th of July

These Q-Anon predictions seem patently absurd to me. I don't think Antifa could marshal an army of even 2000 people in any given city, let alone 30,000.

But these rumors have been going on for days, so I thoght I would post this video so you can be aware of what is "going on".

For the record, I am not saying Antifa will not try to cause trouble on the 4th of July. They may show up in conjunction with BLM, and they may commit all sorts of abominations. In fact, I think that is likely. I do not think they will take to mass murder. Instigating rioting and looting is one thing. Organized insurrection is another.


  1. This is a quote from my friend Alydia Rackham's novel "Lady Liberty", which she describes as a "satire" on the kind of America the hard Left is determined to create. She is remarkably prescient in her imagining of actions that would be taken by Antifa-type militant terrorists. In this scene, an elderly woman is describing events that took place when she was in her 20's, in mid-21st century America:

    "They started pulling down monuments in the southern states until there weren’t any more. They ripped up cemeteries and plowed them and planted grass, or made parking lots. I guess there was once a big cemetery called Getty…Getty-something. They just took all the tombstones down and put a fence around it."

    I live in one of those "suburban" towns with possibly tempting Antifa/BLM targets such as the grave of General John Glover and the original painting "The Spirit of '76". Fortunately, we are hard to find and my experience of our small but competent police department is that they would not take an "invasion" kneeling down.

  2. That is very creative.

    It is amazing how the best creativity is an imitation of reality at a very high resolution.

    And that is what it sounds like her book might be.
