
Thursday, July 02, 2020

St. Louis Couple (Supporters of Leftist Causes) Who Are Being Vilified By The Media For Protecting Their Private Property


  1. This is horrifying. These people have been abandoned by law enforcement and cowardly "security" companies desperate to avoid being tagged as "racist".

    They need a large determined motorcycle club with a deep-seated commitment to the Second Amendment, ASAP. Not that they will ever be safe again because they have incurred the wrath of savages whose only joy is in destroying the accomplishments of others.

  2. I think that I heard this last night on Tucker's show....

    The thugs have now put out a call to attack the McCloskeys and burn their house to the ground -- this weekend, I think. No security company has, so far, agreed to protect the McCloskeys, and the McCloskeys were advised to abandon their home.

  3. Check out this video from Tucker's July 2 show:
