
Friday, July 03, 2020

Transgenderism's "IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE"


  1. And now, just to put the cherry on the sundae so to speak, we have some of these little girls' pop idols -- for their own narcissistic glorification, what else?, and career advancement -- prancing around loudly proclaiming the importance of "tranny" liberation every other week to keep themselves in the spotlight now that COVID has removed their usual soapboxes such as stadiums full of wildly screaming 13-year-olds. And it's a social atmosphere conducive to radical "change".

    And of course they are PRETTY.

  2. Yes. This plague has effected my own family. Not my inner circle family, but out on the periphery. It makes me sad to watch it.

  3. Parents -- assuming they are not "woke" enablers themselves -- confronted with this must feel so helpless when they discover that the law is almost entirely on the side of those who encourage these desperate and immature fantasies in their children and that they risk persecution if they try to prevent them from taking action that will mangle their lives as surely as drug addiction. Those encouraging this madness have much to answer for.
