
Saturday, August 29, 2020

And There It Is… NBA Agrees to Continue Playoffs But Only If Ads During Games Promote Leftist Politics and Civic Engagement

The NBA and the NBA Players Asssociation agreed to continue playoff this weekend but only if ads during the games promote leftist politics and civic engagement. So now you can get lectures on Black Lives Matter during breaks in the game.



  1. Dumb jocks, remember? Do these idiots believe their big salaries are not based on the revenue generated by their industry? That they will continue to be paid with or without their actual participation and an eager audience? I don't think these guys have thought even one step ahead.

    No live audience, no TV audience, nobody buying their licensed gear?

    I believe a lot of Americans are figuring out different ways to employ their spare time. Sportsball may be headed to a serious downsizing. Who will give a shit what they have to say then?

    1. Everyone should go buy a smoker or barbecue pit right now. Grilling and enjoying time with friends and family is a much better time investment than watching pro or college sports.

  2. Anonymous,
    I believe a lot of Americans are figuring out different ways to employ their spare time. Sportsball may be headed to a serious downsizing.

    I agree.

    I don't tune in to a baseball game to be harangued with social justice!

  3. I’m DONE with athletes lecturing me about social justice while they’re cashing their Nike endorsement checks paid for by Uighur slave labor.
