
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

California Threatens to Arrest Anyone Who Attends Indoor Church Service

California Threatens to Arrest Anyone Who Attends Indoor Church Service


  1. News from Bizzaro World via Paul Joseph Watson:

    Footage out of Paris, France shows riot police storming a bar and beating people with truncheons because they were not properly ‘social distancing’.

    "According to Paris police officials, the crowd was dispersed because some people were not wearing face coverings or were failing to follow social distancing rules,” reports Sky News.

    The incident is made even more bizarre by the fact that the people inside the bar were (watching a football match and)behaving peacefully, while actual riots were taking place across the rest of the city.

    According to RT, the streets of the French capital “descended into chaos, with multiple incidents of vandalism and looting.”

  2. Whatever happened to the First Amendment???
