
Thursday, September 17, 2020

At This Time Uncategorizable Information About COVID

Are guilty individuals seeking a weak link to discover how the Chinese Scientist Whistleblower got the information out about Covid-19 virus origination?....

Recall: Steve Bannon was arrested at 7:30 a.m. Thursday August 20th near Westbrook, CT on the yacht of exiled Chinese dissident Guo Wengui (aka Miles Guo) by Postal Service Police

9/13/2020 WaPo: How former Trump adviser Steve Bannon joined forces In the past several years, a company lined to the billionaire, who also goes by Miles Kwok and Miles Guo, has given Bannon a consulting contract.

It looks like CCP & sympathizers are seeking to shut down all access to any data which could damage CCP control domestically as well as abroad.

The unusual circumstances (Postal Svc. Police) arresting Bannon on Guo's yacht and the follow up accusation linking Bannon to whistle blowers report appears to be more of CCP origin than US DoJ origin.

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