
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Breitbart Editor James Delingpole: "No Sane Person Would Wear a Mask"

 "I don't want my children growing up to be the compliant gimps of a fascist state."


  1. As a "senior" who has experienced precisely zero symptoms of WuFluManchu, I have nevertheless experienced the most rapid deterioration of my general health since the lockdown mania started due to closure of exercise classes, mandatory mask-wearing, stress, depression, isolation, hassle associated with even the most basic tasks of living, financial and other forms of insecurity, and awareness of the growth of authoritarian government and the increasing intimidation and threats of violence into the future from a growing gang of Marxist-anarchist thugs.

    And yet the politicians continue to yap about our "safety".

  2. You are not alone RRA.

    For the past several years and as recently as February my 81 yr old mother has been categorized as "mild cognitive impairment".

    In early August that changed to early Alzheimer's.

    The doctor at the Senior Assessment Center said that they have seen a great many of their patients have this sudden accelerated decline since the lockdowns went into effect for many of the reasons you mentioned.

    And the fucking media has so many of them scared they refuse to go out. Mom won't even go to a grocery store with me at slow times even wearing a mask she is so afraid of catching this thing.

    Meanwhile I have been working fulltime retail hours since this started and the only mask I wear is made from a cut down old t-shirt (made in Indonesia I think). I refuse to wear one of the Chinese Masks. They gave us the Manchurian Flu I'll be damned if I reward them by buying masks from them.

    Besides, who knows what they are doing to those masks.

  3. I am sorry to hear this for both of you.

    Take care of yourself, RRA. I hope you can motivate yourself to go for lots of walks and imitations, indoors, of what you used to do in exercise classes.

  4. Thanks. I get physical therapy now with home exercises, and can join our local 'Y' next month at discount. They have a hot therapy pool and exercise equipment. Should be able to improve physical functioning even as the weather is getting colder and will eventually make outdoor walks a problem. I have no fear of going out but exasperated with not only masks, lines, arrows, and plexiglass but the increasingly obvious permanent nature of these "lockdown infrastructure". I won't buy masks, get them free from my MD's and therapist's offices and other sources, spray with antiseptic. The only ones I can tolerate are the lightweight blue white "surgicals".

    So much cognitive decline and early Alzheimers is understandable. I have no dementia symptoms but have to fight worry, depression, etc. I don't do FarceBook or Twit-ers, but am online with a large compatible email group as well as sites like IBM, JW, BB, GP, FP, ZH, and others daily. Timcast is threatening to eat up whatever leftover time I had! They have restored at least some of my faith in libertarians.

    I don't have the temperament to stay immersed in politics and related 24/7 and for basic mental health make as much time as possible for genuine escape and enjoyment -- nature programs, reading, online movies, trying to figure out how to restore at least some of my design work, etc. And trying not to worry about November because I know either way we are really "in for it".

  5. Hey, you should create a website to catalog your design work, RRA.

    I'd love to see it. I will help to the extent that I can be of help.
