
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Hispanic Voters at Telemundo Say President Trump OVERWHELMINGLY Won Debate 66% to 34%

 I don't know about you, but I thought the debate was stupid and useless.

But, my opinion doesn't matter much.


  1. Didn't watch. Feedback I'm getting is that Trump let a number of opportunities to score get by.

  2. Does that mean he has the Hispanic vote tied up?

  3. I thought Trump was all over the place.

    To answer WC's question: I was talking with a Hispanic Trump supporter this morning, and she said she fully believes the Telemundo poll, because Hispanics are not willing to say in public what they are willing to say in anonymous polls, and at the voting booth.

    She said that if she tells Hispanic people she is a Trump supporter, she gets so much shit about it, from some of them that it is not worth it to actually voice the opinion.
