
Friday, October 30, 2020

CNN Refuses to Air ‘False’ Anti-Biden Ad, Even Though It’s Accurate

Fact Check: CNN Refuses to Air ‘False’ Anti-Biden Ad, Even Though It’s Accurate 
This analysis dovetails with my post this morning regarding some news media outlets moving more explicitly and aggressively toward censoring and suppressing information they deem unhelpful to their preferred political outcomes. 
CNN’s editorial position on President Trump is not subtle. They loathe him and want him gone, even though some of their opinion hosts may feel lost without him. 
The network is now refusing to air an anti-Biden ad from a pro-Trump organization, declining to run it on the grounds that it’s been judged factually false. 
One can make the case that some of the language is harsh or debatable. Has Biden “coddled” Communist China? You can argue that goes too far, or you can cite some of his words and actions and say it’s tough but fair. 
The same applies to “siding with Socialists.”


  1. It really is.

    When I read this story, I thought pretty much the same thing.

    There is no compromise with these people. They need to be eliminated. We can not go on like this. They have no respect for what the American Constitution is about.

  2. Pasto,
    We can not go on like this. They have no respect for what the American Constitution is about.

    Yeah, America is in trouble.
