
Friday, October 23, 2020

Pop Culture Occultism, MKOFTEN and State Cult Ritualism with Christopher Knowles

 This is going to strike many of you as pure lunacy. But, if you study MKUltra, and the history of the CIA and LSD, and the Church Committee, you may begin to understand.


  1. Sorry, unwatchable. Altered states have never amused me.

  2. Benito Fauci's Il Du-ce-plicity
    Fauci's COVID Follies: A timeline of many contradictions
    Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing
    DOD Study – Breathing/Coughing With Mask or No Mask and well Ventilated space the time required to be exposed to an infectious dose is a minimum of 54 hours when sitting next to an index patient…
    Well it’s a hard lesson to learn. You gotta wash a reusable mask or swap out the disposable ones. This is part of being independent like doing your own laundry, showering, changing your underwear. Where have y’all gone wrong?
    Friend of mine got staph and is critical condition from wearing a mask and may die thanks to all who supported mask wearing!

  3. Macy's will not host Santa Claus in New York store for first time in 160 years

  4. At about the 12:30 minute mark, the interview with Christopher Knowles begins. I think it is a worthwhile interview. I do not think Christopher Knowles displays the personality of a man who uses drugs. I think the host does. But I think the host is funny. I"m different that you on that.
