
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Senator Coons: ‘Hundreds’ of Trump’s Lower Court Judges Shouldn’t ‘Be Allowed to Sit Peaceably’


"I Wish My Brother George Was Here"

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show,” Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said that there should be a “wide-open conversation” on rebalancing the courts, including the circuit and district courts, where there are “hundreds” of judges who shouldn’t “be allowed to sit peaceably without our re-examining the process, the results, and the consequences.” 
Coons said, “[W]e’ve got to have a wide-open conversation about how do we rebalance our courts. Yes, the two Supreme Court [seats] that have been stolen through these processes that are just wildly hypocritical have been used to jam through partisan nominees. But we’ve got to look at our federal courts as a whole, Rachel. Because we’ve seen hundreds of conservative judges put on circuit courts and district courts all over this country in the last four years, in many cases, too young, too unqualified, and too far right to be allowed to sit peaceably without our re-examining the process, the results, and the consequences.”



  1. scummy Democrat. Like on cue, when hey can't control a branch of government they want to change it to their way. If the electoral college elects a Republican, they was to change the rules.

  2. The POTUS appointments are a reflection of the will of the People. And the courts, then reflect back to the average American, their desire regarding the Republic. It is a two-way mirror.

    The process is fair, and reflects the spiritual and cultural aspirations of the average American.

    The Democrats, still want to believe that somehow they are the savior of the Republic.

    The Constitution - and the Constitution alone - is the final bulwark of our vast freedoms.
