
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

We'll See ...

I'm losing faith in Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and Rudy Giuliani, as they continue to make huge claims, and never deliver.

F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?”

Even Rush Limbaugh, while not necessarily telling her to shit or get off the pot, seemed to echo some frustration, insofar as you don't just have an hour long press event and not at least reveal at least something tangible. 
Yes, I realize that you don't show your hand to the Enemy before you make the actual case to whatever court or body that ultimately adjudicates this thing, legally and/or politically. 
Personally, I stand with Powell but just to play Devil's advocate, you don't strengthen your position by not giving us a reason to believe - aside from what we witnessed with our own eyes on election night and the following morning - as well as then being told that you are not working in any official capacity with the Trump Legal Team. 
Pedro Gonzalez at American Greatness: 
The issue with Powell was never that fraud didn't occur or that she was making it up out of whole cloth, but that her claims are so extraordinary that they would threaten to discredit the case for real fraud if they turned out to be exaggerated or in any way untrue. 
There are many compelling examples of irregularities involving mail-in ballots, ejected poll observers, and more that are worthy of serious investigating. But Powell has set the bar so incredibly high above those things now. 
This is not to say that there is not or could not be some basic truth to some of her claims, but that it is dangerous to build the case for fraud entirely on one person's shoulders. As a result, "belief" in Powell has become a kind of purity test for some Trump supporters, creating internecine conflicts at the drop of a hat. It's also preventing the Trump movement from performing any kind of introspection on what might have been some of the campaign's mistakes. 
If Powell's claims are all true, then there would be no need to consider that perhaps it was a mistake to court rather than tackle the corporate and tech forces now garroting Trump's last-ditch efforts. If Powell is right, there is no reason to criticize the Trump campaign's racial-spoils pandering, its failure to keep signature platform promises, or its critical personnel problems. 
Because the only problem will have been, according to her, that as many as 10 million fraudulent votes and up to 7 million votes were switched from Trump to Biden. 
The unexpected side effect of all this is an unremittingly uncritical movement that will circle the wagons to defend the most poisonous pills in the White House and viciously attack those who are otherwise allies. Powell's moment in the limelight is reminding us of the dangers of personality cults.


  1. I'm losing faith in Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, and Rudy Giuliani, as they continue to make huge claims, and never deliver.

    Same here.

  2. The death throes of the GOP. Trump's GOP, that is.

  3. Here's the thing, Trump has, or had, huge credibility with the people who voted for him.

    If his fucking legal team doesn't come up with the goods, he loses that credibility.

    Prior to this fiasco, he could have started a new party and single-handedly destroyed the GOP.

    Now, I am not so sure.

  4. The press conference was a fiasco. They should have started out by broadcasting Biden's boast that he had assembled the greatest vote fraud organization in history. Let that sink in. Question 1: "was it really just a gaffe?" Question 2: "why does Joe Biden not want to participate in proving there was no fraud?" The legitimacy of his election hangs in the balance. What is he trying to hide?

    Grab and hold the middle ground. We want proof that the election was fair regardless of the outcome. The American people deserve no less.

    Instead we got Rudy rambling and stammering through an unfocused litany of standard accusations of Democrat Party vote thievery. And went downhill from there.

    If your are going to hold a press conference you have to do something to keep the momentum going. Trump was very poorly served by that spectacle. So were we.

  5. he just Megyn Kelly'd himself along with Fux noose.

  6. Trump's gonna MAGA, or we can chuck the whole thing (as long as the other side wants to chuck 'just this little bit').
