
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Photo Essay: Washington DC Is Now a Complete Hate-Filled Cesspool

Some folks wanted to know who I am before forwarding my work, make sure I’m not a lunatic—fair enough! I am 43 years old, a U.S. Army veteran, two Masters degrees, Deplorable, a GOP “donor” (into the five figures since 2017, won’t give another cent until the party gets its head out of the sand), an immigrant, married to an immigrant, a father of three, living with my wonderful family in northern Virginia, 18 miles from Washington, DC. Naturally, I have to keep this newsletter far apart from my day-job. In line with that, I don’t have a Twitter or Facebook or any other social media account or web presence, besides some pieces I got published on various blogs. But I got tired of dealing with editors who usually don’t respond. Now, doing it my way. Thanks for reading! 

This is disgusting. My wife’s little country (near Afghanistan) keeps it nicer around their presidential palace. It looks like the homeless forgot some of their stuff here. What you can’t make out in the photo are three rows of fencing (in addition to the cement barriers) fronting the White House, because two aren’t enough, as well as leaves plastering Lafayette park that, from the looks of it, have not been collected since late October. Either DC doesn’t have the money, or they can’t get their discount migrant leaf-blowers past security.



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