
Thursday, March 25, 2021

CANADIAN PARLIAMENT: Q: Is There a Plan To End The Lockdowns? A: "Climate Change Is Real"


  1. 1,100 'active' volcanos around the globe at any one time. Can't stop / stopper any of them, or slow them down. Each and every 5 mins. of every volcanic eruption = 200 x the impact of "Man" on the environment to include: heat, light, noise, CO, CO2, SO2, heavy metals, radiation, etc., etc., etc.

    But, according to globalwarming-dumb-masses, all of those volcanos would just live in happy harmony with Earth if it were not for mankind. Ya. B to the S power.

    The 'green' movement is communism, and it needs to be hunted. Remember the "ecology flag" of the 70's? I'm not going to let my great-great-great grandkids forget.


  3. It isn't about the WuFlu virus. It never really was. It's about CONTROL. Lockdown strategy has proven to be a successful strategy of sheep-herding driven by fear, and will be continued in the service of climate hysteria and denial of the facts such as presented by Most Likely (above) to the end of collectivist domination with "climate change" taking the place of the CHINA VIRUS.
