
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Massive Protests Against Medical Martial Law***, Macron On The Brink

Macron uprising: Major French rebellion as ‘phenomenal’ revolt planned –President on brink

EMMANUEL MACRON is facing a “phenomenal” protest on Saturday against his latest coronavirus rules, also dubbed “shame health pass” laws.

The French President submitted legislation to parliament which will stop people entering restaurants and bars without a “health pass”, showing they are vaccinated, have had a recent negative test, or have immunity from COVID-19. Opponents say the state is, de facto, forcing people to get jabbed.

The new rule has attracted criticism from politicians across all parties in France and abroad.

Last weekend, police estimated that 100,000 people joined protests against the measures – some of them under the banner of the Yellow Vests. And another round of protests is planned for this weekend.

*** The phrase "Medical Martial Law" coined by The Last English Prince.


  1. I may have to ditch my church soon. For two weeks in a row, shaming of congregants and saying that if we don't do it for ourselves, we should "do it for others". The church as the arm of government. No longer the Body of Christ.

    We are told we are selfish. Selfish! And yet I have spent nine months caring for my husband. Over two years providing support for a disabled brother in a nursing care facility. I am selfish! In my own life, these things have loomed larger and much harder challenges.

    Should we have an "Arab Spring"? I am not advocating for it but it may come to that. When government is unresponsive to the common man, the common man can rise up with great acts of nobility. Problematic, is that if the pressure is not maintained - is just a flash in the pan - the vaccine passport advocates will win.

    Tammy Swofford

  2. I am sorry to hear that, TLEP.

    It is really horrible when one's Church lets them down like that. That can engender a real feeling of abandonment. I know, because I have had that experience before, though not on this subject.

    I hope my Church does not do what you describe, but I could see it happening.
