
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

New Study From Germany Confirms Higher Vaccine Rate = Higher Excess Mortality?


New study from Germany confirms higher vax coverage –> higher excess mortality 
The Harvard study showed vaccination makes things worse as far as cases goes. This new study from German shows that the more you vaccinate the more people get killed. 
Not a surprise to me. I just got a new study from a friend in Germany (Max Langen). 
What this new German study shows is: The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. 
These are the deadliest vaccine in human history by a factor of over 800. But it is always nice to get confirmation from multiple sources who have no conflicts. 
The authors write (translated into English): “The correlation is + .31, is amazingly high and especially in an unexpected direction. Actually, it should be negative, so that one could say: The higher the vaccination rate, the lower the excess mortality. 
However, the opposite is the case and this urgently needs to be clarified. Excess mortality can be observed in all 16 countries…” 
In plain English: vaccination makes things worse, not better. I wanted to share this study with you because it might be interesting for you and maybe you want to add it to your vaccine data. 
Here is the link to the original study (it will download a word docx in German). The original German study translated into English is available as a PDF here.

This is from the Substack of American Entrepreneur Steve Kirsch.

Here is information about Steve:

Steven Todd Kirsch (born December 24, 1956) is an American serial entrepreneur. He has started several companies, including Mouse Systems, Frame Technology Corp., Infoseek and OneID. He was one of two people who coincidentally invented the optical mouse.[2] 
In 2007, his personal fortune was estimated at $230 million, the majority earned from the IPO of Infoseek and the acquisition of Frame Technology.[1] 
Kirsch has a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[3] In 2005 he founded Abaca, which made a spam filter (for which two reviews commissioned by Abaca reported high accuracy).[4][5] 
In September 2011, he started OneID[6] which is creating a user-centric Internet-scale digital identity system that uses public key cryptography to replace usernames and passwords with a single, stable, secure, digital identity that preserves privacy and is compatible with the NSTIC[7] goals.[8] 
In Mid-2020, Kirsch founded the Covid-19 Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund research into off-label treatments for Covid-19.[9] In May 2021, Kirsch posted an article online making an unfounded claim that COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility, while also underplaying the vaccines' ability to prevent illness and death.[10] The following month, Kirsch appeared in a YouTube video posted with Bret Weinstein and Robert W. Malone to discuss COVID-19 vaccines. In the video, Kirsch makes several false claims, including that spike proteins used in COVID-19 vaccines are "very dangerous".[11][12]

Notice that in the substack message on the vaccine, Steve tells you what the German study says, and then he declares, "In plain English ..."

This is a beautiful thing. This is American Entrepreneur speak. No bullshit. He will break things down to the fundamental truths, as he sees them, with no fear of experts. 

As I say, this is a beautiful thing. This is the American spirit. 

And we stand to lose this, if these fucking ninnies get their way and win the battle to control our lives at every level.

Seeing this man write like this reminds me of how many people there are like us.

Not enough, yet. There are still too many compliant pussies.

But this man is not willing to be cowed. He may not be right about everything he says, but as is true of any human being, he has the right to his opinion, and he bravely seizes that right, and throws it in the face of the fake "Elites" who are currently engaged in crimes against humanity (at the very least because they are forcing us to take medical treatments we don't necessarily want, or need - and at the very worst because they are possibly lethal).

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