
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Confirmed: New Study Reveals Disposable Face Masks Contain Four Times the Acceptable Carcinogen Exposure Levels


Confirmed: New Study Reveals Disposable Face Masks Contain Four Times the Acceptable Carcinogen Exposure Levels


  1. Only mask I wore regularly thru this nonsense wasa cut up t-shirt open on the sides (I ain't great with scissors) while at work and whatever was handed me elsewhere.

    Hate to jinx it but I remain

    Uninjected uninspected (tested) and as far as I know uninfected.

    despite 40+ hours a week in retail since the original Great Toilet Paper Shortage

  2. Above comment from MR. Not anonymous. Damn govt censors.

  3. Trying to hide from us, aren't you?

    I thought it was you.
