
Friday, October 28, 2022

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Home Broken into Early This Morning in San Francisco – Paul Pelosi Violently Beaten, Taken to Hospital

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Home Broken into Early This Morning in San Francisco – Paul Pelosi Violently Beaten, Taken to Hospital


  1. Comment on the Gateway Pundit thread:

    "Seems to be a pattern here with him getting hammered."

    Man that's cold.

  2. One more thumbs up for Gateway. Don't those people have any security, living in San Francisco, or do they think all the crime and squalor affects only the peasants?

  3. BETTER than a false flag - it was a DERANGED LEFTIST!

  4. No one should be subjected to violence in their own home. Paul Pelosi is elderly and no match for a 42 year old male intruder with a weapon.

    I don’t care for Pelosi or her politics but that doesn’t warrant an attack on a family member.

    That said…the authorized narrative for this incident as well as the earlier DUI incident in August is full of holes.

    The Pelosi household is wealthy and given Nancy’s political position, well protected with multiple layers of security in place.

    That this intruder managed to access the interior of the Pelosi residence at that hour without any household security member stopping him before he harmed Paul Pelosi is very suspect.

    Fox just reported the suspect was arrested in his underwear.

    Also mentioned in the comments at TheConservativeTreehouse:
    "The perp reportedly (by Terry Moran) entered through a rear sliding door. He and Pelosi were both in their underwear when LE arrived. He didn’t attack Pelosi until cops were on the scene. As a Castro (famously gay SF neighborhood) and/or Berkeley resident, it’s very odd that he supposedly has written an anti-government, antisemitic manifesto – probably the first for anyone living in such far-leftist places!!! Bottom line: this story is fishy, to say the least."

  5. The elephant in the room? Here illegally from Canada for twenty years, known to be mentally unstable and never deported.

    This was an illegal foreign national.

    There is most likely a back story here. Did Pelosi invite him in? Was he providing a service?
