
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

We Masked ourselves into Weakened Immune Systems

From The Last English Prince:
I have written about this in the past, talked about it for months. Immune systems must be challenged to recognize threat. This is especially true regarding small children. 
As noted in the past – let the baby crawl on the floor. If at home, pop that pacifier back into the mouth without rinsing it off when it is dropped. Let the toddler taste dirt from the garden if it is organic. 
Don’t use hand sanitizer. Soap and water or hand friction and water work fine. Excessive cleanliness is not necessary. Obsession creates health depression. 
The immune system is a biological expressive system which interacts with other expressive systems within our biosphere. Let it talk. Without a mask. 
We chose to halt the conversation between the immune system and the greater world. We chose to believe the government narrative. 
We masked our children right into triple viruses and greater health hardships. 
The thing about children is they are resilient. And when young, their bodies are still on a rapid learning curve for greater health. 
Part of that curve involves vigorous and constant interface with the environment. The womb was the bubble they were meant to leave, never to enter again. 
We created a womb narrative for children beyond the confines of the same. Fear overtook common sense. 
Our policies created unhealthy “safety” bubbles for our young children. It has back-fired in spectacular manner. It will backfire in worse manner if we have not learned the lesson the first time around.


  1. And, as of 11-22-63, Fauci is back at the White House Podium advocating for mask wearing and vaccines/boosters. >:(

  2. What you mean “We”, pale face.

  3. The immune system is the one which tells the others to F' off. We took the "F" out of the equation when we turned the marvel off with masking.

    Social distancing if someone is coughing like a seal? Sure. But it is funny that we hear "Mask if immuno-compromised." If that is true, the reverse should also be true. Do not mask, if not compromised.
