
Friday, February 23, 2024

Chris Cuomo’s Personal Physician Destroys COVID-19 ‘Safe & Effective’ Narrative on Live TV

Cuomo starts it off by saying "there's an extremely rare, but increased, risk". 

It is extremely rare that athletes are dropping dead on the field, right?

Extremely rare that 11 year old boys are having heart attacks and strokes.

Extremely rare that Justine Bieber and his wife are BOTH vaccine injured.

Dr. Robin Rose, Chris Cuomo’s personal physician and a double board-certified physician with expertise in treating long COVID at Terrain Health, destroys the prevailing narrative about COVID-19 vaccine safety on live TV.

During the segment, Cuomo introduced the topic by highlighting a groundbreaking study by the Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN), which analyzed the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in a pool of 99 million vaccinated individuals across several countries, including Denmark, New Zealand, Argentina, Canada, Finland, Australia, and Scotland.

Here’s what the study found about how certain health issues showed up after people got their COVID-19 vaccines:

Neurological Conditions:

  • After getting the first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, there was a noticeable increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), where the body’s immune system attacks its nerves.
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), a rare brain and spinal cord inflammation, also popped up more than expected after the first Moderna vaccine dose.
  • Other neurological issues like transverse myelitis (spinal cord inflammation), Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis), and seizures also occurred more than usual after some doses of these vaccines.

Blood Clot and Platelet Conditions:

  • The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine first dose was linked to more cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), a type of blood clot in the brain, than expected.
  • There were also more instances of low platelet counts and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs) after some doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna vaccines.
  • Some vaccines also led to an increase in splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT), another type of blood clot, after certain doses, but these findings didn’t signal a major safety concern according to the study’s criteria.

Heart Conditions:

  • Cases of myocarditis (heart inflammation) were significantly higher than expected after the first, second, and third doses of mRNA vaccines (like Pfizer and Moderna).
  • Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart’s outer layer) cases also exceeded expectations after some doses of the Moderna vaccine and after the third dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine.
  • These heart-related findings were considered important safety signals that need attention.

What this means: The study noticed that after getting certain COVID-19 vaccine doses, some people experienced health issues like nerve and heart problems, or blood clots more than what was expected by the so-called experts.

During the live broadcast, Cuomo introduced the topic with cautious optimism, highlighting the rarity of increased risks for certain disorders identified in the study. However, Dr. Rose quickly pointed out the gravity of the findings.

“The study identified significant issues that were neurologic, cardiac, or hematologic. What we saw was that certain safety signals were two to three times higher than expected,” Dr. Rose said.

Cuomo sought clarification on what Rose meant by “expected versus observed,” to which Rose explained that the observed serious side effects were higher than what researchers had anticipated when rolling out a vaccine or therapeutic.

Dr. Rose highlighted a discrepancy in how healthcare and society respond to rare events, drawing a parallel between the screening for cancers and the monitoring of vaccine side effects.

She noted that millions are screened for cancers with much lower incidence rates than some of the adverse events observed post-vaccination, questioning why similar caution is not applied to vaccine safety monitoring.

“When the headlines come out about vaccines versus COVID, they’re often downplayed in various ways, or the headlines themselves minimize what’s happening. Okay. And the issue is that, in our society and in healthcare in general, we do care about the few or the rare occurrences, right? Thus, we conduct screenings for everyone 45 years and older, encompassing hundreds of thousands or millions of people who need to be screened because we’re concerned about the 32 out of every 100,000 people who get it per year.”


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