
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Biden Regime Sends FBI to Intimidate Nurse Who Blew the Whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital’s Child Sex-Change Program

This is where we are right now as a country.

The Biden regime has sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who exposed controversial practices at Texas Children’s Hospital.

Christopher Rufo recently shared on X, “The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital. The regime is mobilizing to threaten and imprison anyone who opposes ‘transgender medicine.’”

Writing for the City Journal, Rufo detailed the events that led to the FBI’s intimidating encounter with the nurse.

Christopher Rufo: Biden Has Dispatched The Secret Police of the FBI to Harass and Intimidate Whistleblowers Who Expose Hospitals Illegally Performing Trans Surgeries on Children



  1. If he only divulged statistics (ages and biological sex at birth) and procedures performed, it is not a HIPPA violation.

    For instance, if I tell you that my facility did 26 mastectomies in a certain year, it is not a HIPPA violation. This is no different than how other organizations use the same for research. Most likely, NIH has all of the same statistics released. It is just mathematical data, until a name is attached to it.
