
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Piers Morgan Unmasks Candace Owens

To speak of proportionality in relationship to Israel and Gaza in terms of how many people are killed one relative to the other is not to address the whole issue. One side, the Gaza/Hamas kills to instill terror. The other side, Israel, kills to effect change in the government. One side, Israel, has great power, and purposefully chooses not to use it's full power to achieve it's ends. The other side, Gaza/Hamas uses every bit of it's power to kill, rape, mutilate and destroy as many Israelis as possible, because they hate Jews, and they say so in such language.

Piers Morgan did a good job in this interview.

I have been trying to wade through the history of this Daily Wire vs. Candace Owens issue for a while now. I think Piers unmasked Candace. It's pretty clear she wants to accuse Israel of genocide. She doesn't bring the word genocide up in relation to America, or Russia, or China,, or even ISIS, now does she. I think, perhaps she really is what Andrew Klavan accuses her of. And, its not because of the phrase "Christ is King.' I would not be able to say whether she meant that as a provocation. Instead, it is her use of the word genocide in relation to Israel. That's the telling detail.

If Israel wanted to wipe out the Gazans, they could do so in a matter of a few hours. They don't do that. Enough said.


By the way, I don't like Ben Shapiro. I think I have made that clear over time.

This is not about Candace vs. Ben Shapiro to me. The reason I reference Daily Wire vs. Candace Owens, above, is because, they were the ones who began accusing her of anti-Semitism.

I don't much care what Ben Shapiro or the Daily Wire think.

But if the say something I agree with, I will say I agree.

In this case, I kind of agree. Candace Owens sounds like she has a problem with Israel. She is willing to accuse Israel of genocide, when she is not accusing any other nation of genocide. And this is a hallmark of what has been called the New Anti-Semitism; singling the Jewish state out for criticism, when one does not criticize any other state for the same crimes.

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