
Sunday, October 06, 2024

The monsters who won't see a new October 7, 2023 documentary, nor will they respect its legitimacy

Melanie Phillips discussed a new documentary about the October 7, 2023 jihadist bloodbath being screened in Britain, and what kind of bigoted monsters are unlikely to see it, nor will they respect its validity:
Alas, we know that the people who most need to see it will refuse to do so. These are the people who deny what happened on October 7, who say accounts of these atrocities are just Israeli propaganda, who say if they did happen it was Israel’s fault and who obscenely support Hamas as a “resistance” movement.

And even if they do watch it, will it make any difference? How on earth can so many deny the obvious truth of what happened

The reason is that, for many on the left, absolutely nothing can be allowed to contradict the narrative that Israel is an illegitimate state that has colonised and oppressed the Palestinian Arabs who are the indigenous people of the land. Although every element of that is untrue, it constitutes the default belief in liberal circles which permit no challenge to it whatever.

That’s because such liberals believe that their support for the Palestinian cause defines them as moral and good people. The fact that the Palestinians have committed bestial and sadistic atrocities upon Israelis therefore cannot be believed — because it would mean the Palestinians are in fact the oppressors and the Israelis their victims. And that would place these liberals on the side of evil.

As a result, they put forward any explanation, however preposterous, to deny what actually happened. They are totally immune to demonstrable evidence, because they fear that accepting it would shatter their entire moral personality. When it comes to Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, their whole thought system is therefore entirely sealed against the truth.

So the overwhelmingly liberal western media will continue to tell murderous lies about Israel. Interestingly, the film was made by the BBC in its Storyville strand. Yet the BBC’s appallingly biased coverage of Israel is the prime reason why the vast majority of the British public remains almost wholly unaware that Israel is being subjected to an eight-front Iranian war of extermination —and why so many have so viciously turned against the Jewish state.
Something else they deny is the murder of foreign workers who were present at the music and dance festival. And that makes the antisemites racist as well. That's exactly why one has to wonder just how much venom they also have leveled against far eastern countries, in example. And lest we forget, the same bigoted monsters Phillips speaks of undoubtably also deny September 11, 2001 for far longer than we think.

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