
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Time To Form European Governments In Exile?

As you may or may not remember Infidel Bloggers Alliance has adopted a policy of regime change in Belgium. The Belgian government no longer recognizes the will, or the rights, of its own people. Therefore, it is time for the Belgian regime to go.

As dumb as it might be for a goofy-assed blog like ours (hey, by the way, did you check out the latest Infidel Babe? She's freakin' smokin') to declare such a policy of regime change, I do believe there needs to be major change in Europe, and Belgium is as good a place to start as any. The thing about Belgium is, other than those waffles and maybe, you know, the chocolates, nothing worthwhile comes out of that medieval-assed country.

I here tell there is some big buidling in Brussels where a bunch of pompous geeks meet and pretend they own the world. I hear the place emits a strong odor, of sulfur, or some other putrid element. And while some very powerful ideas do ooze out of that building on an irregular basis, they really have no support from anyone, so, you know, it's time to go.

A commenter at Gates of Vienna seems to agree with me, although he is taking aim at different government than we here at IBA. I think he has a very good idea. Check this out:

I think it is time for Swedish and Norwegian patriots to set up governments in exile, just like occupied countries did in WWII. You can't have change without dialogue, and to have a dialogue you need to get everyone's attention.

A government in exile would underscore the fact that neither country is no longer in any sense democratic. It would be interesting to see if the government could be set up in cyberspace, instead of London.

Some advice: Don't attack the monarchy, and don't call for revolutionary changes. What you want to do is start an honest dialogue about what Scandinavians want for their countries. If the majority are content to have their children and grandchildren live under Sharia and hand the country over to third world immigrants, there is not much you can do.

Your goal should be to establish a forum where people can send a message to the establishment that it is not racist to want to keep your own country, and that its OK to be proud of your own culture and traditions. What you want to do is bring the discussion into the open and not let the establishment control the debate.

Yes, that sounds like an idea whose time has come. What do you all think?


  1. Londonistan would be a very nasty place for Norwegian & Swedish free governments. Why not just use Denmark, like thousands and thousands of their fellow countrymen have done already ?

  2. Kepiblanc,

    Do you think a real world office is needed at this point, or do you think we could just start in cyberspace?

  3. Sweden is already lost. Any effort would be better spent trying to save governments for which there is some hope.

  4. I'm all for it Jaco. Besides, I think we need to start handing down decisions for press release, to be taken seriously, etc. I want an organization created for this purpose and I WANT IT NOW, DAMMIT! We need to take things on that side a little more seriously. Then we can keep the Babes and our sense of humor over here intact.

  5. Demosthenes,
    Like France? Holland? Denmark? Britain?

    By the way, why do you say Sweden is lost?

  6. Pim's Ghost,
    If we were to set up governments in exile, we would be merely facilitators. The spokesmen/representatives of the various governments would have to be from the nations themselves.

    Still, where I think we could be valuable is in helping Westerners redefine themselves as the creators and owners of themselves, and of their governments. We own ourselves. No one else owns us. We together own the government. The government does not own us.

    These ideas, which are the foundation of liberty, and of the United States, sound a bit strange when you first hear them today. But, they are as true now, as they were in the 1770's. In fact, in that we need to cling to them so badly these days, they are even more true.

  7. My best friend has written some great essays over the years, titles such as "Let's invade Sweden." I don't know how he does it. I am deeply impressed.

    My best friend has also written a number of times, yes, hunders of times this past year alone, that to save the world one must mobilize the people who make up the world, our neighbours, our fellows at the supermarket, the local tavern, the city library. Expecting the elite to organise some effective resistence might actually be more likely (from the response I get) to organising at the local level. If the elite do in fact organise the resistence, then what do you think you get from them?

    We here in Vancouver, Canada, that nest of jihadi vipers, the slough of Islamic despond, the hotbed of Muslim conspiracies, we here are organising at the local level each week at the main library. This week we invite people to sit with us to discuss the works of Thomas Sowell, a controversial Afro-American intellectual. Yes, it's dangerous and we are all bullet proof, otherwise how could we have such nerve? I just hate to think of all the times jihadis have shown up at our well-publicised public meetings and at each meeting they behead us. Do you realise how hard it is to get the bloodstains out of my collars? Well, hey, we are so determined to continue that we have long ago decided to wear tee-shirts.

    I'm off to find out if my best friend has any more great ideas. He is some guy, which is why he's my best friend.

  8. Dag,
    Your best friend sounds like a man after your own heart.


  9. Give it 15 years and it won't have to be symbolic.

    When this adult generation is 60, and people of occidental heritage in culture (NOT RACE - for the PC oriented) have only 1 child per couple age 30 supporting them...what will be the state of these nations? How many MORE quickly reproducing imports will have been required by then as workers to keep up their lifestyle supported by the vast welfare state?

  10. PD111,
    Here's my comment. You hit the nail on the head when you said this:

    "I'm loth to remind everyone that the tiny Muslim minority in the West, no more then 5% in most countries, has achieved huge gains in political power, is because they have not been reluctant to use violence (power) to achieve their aims. This has been done by the Jihadis who commit the violence, and the so called Muslim moderates who then take advantage of the ensuing confusion to demand more and more, with the threat that of they dont get what they want, they would not be able to restrain the 'fanatics'. This approach is a tried and tested method. Every political movement that desires power, has done this. The IRA/Sinn Fein, ANC/its military wing, PLO/Fatah, and countless other groups, have both a violent as well, as a negotiating wing, ie a 'government in exile' as well as an irregular force. Both wings, for political purposes, disavow each other but in fact work with each other."

    And, let me add, MLK would not have been successful without Malcolm X in the background.

    You got it right. You got it right.

    I guess I don't need to say anything more.

  11. I'm definately watching this thread. The commenter at Gates of Vienna had an important idea here. And your point only adds to it.

    I've been promoting this post at other blogs. Tomorrow, I will write more, and let's see if we can get Baron, Dymphna and Atlas in on this.

  12. Hi PD111,
    Here's the comment from the GoV commenter. It was in the recent Fjordman thread on Caucasophobia:

    Fjordman, I think it is time for Swedish and Norwegian patriots to set up governments in exile, just like occupied countries did in WWII.

    You can't have change without dialogue, and to have a dialogue you need to get everyone's attention. A government in exile would underscore the fact that neither country is no longer in any sense democratic.

    It would be interesting to see if the government could be set up in cyberspace, instead of London.

    Some advice: Don't attack the monarchy, and don't call for revolutionary changes. What you want to do is start an honest dialogue about what Scandinavians want for their countries. If the majority are content to have their children and grandchildren live under Sharia and hand the country over to third world immigrants, there is not much you can do. Your goal should be to establish a forum where people can send a message to the establishment that it is not racist to want to keep your own country, and that its OK to be proud of your own culture and traditions. What you want to do is bring the discussion into the open and not let the establishment control the debate.
