
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

And for those who shock easily.."IAEA Report Says Iran Has Bomb Plans"

OOPSIE, so sorry, Seymour Hersh.

VIENNA — A document obtained by Iran on the nuclear black market serves no other purpose than to make an atomic bomb, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Tuesday.

The finding was made in a report prepared for presentation to the 35-nation IAEA board when it meets, starting Thursday, on whether to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council, which has the power to impose economic and political sanctions on Iran.

The report was made available in full to The Associated Press.

First mention of the documents was made late last year in a longer IAEA report. At that time, the agency said only that the papers showed how to cast "enriched, natural and depleted uranium metal into hemispherical forms."

The agency refused to make a judgment on what possible uses such casts would have.

But diplomats familiar with the probe into Iran's nuclear program said then that the papers apparently were instructions on how to mold highly enriched grade uranium into the core of warheads.

In the brief report obtained Tuesday, however, the agency said bluntly that the 15-page document showing how to cast fissile uranium into metal was "related to the fabrication of nuclear weapon components."

Must be a mistake. Maybe there is a peaceful use for shaping plutonium and uranium? We have to find another reason or it will be hard to rationalize avoiding this and thinking about other things.

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  1. Incidentally, my blog today got a visit from the IAEA. I hope they liked this image I made earlier this year.

  2. Where's the link, my friend? Where did you get this from?
