
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Get ready..."Global Hawk to Fly 1st Mission Over U.S."...paranoia delight

tinfoil1.jpg They've become a fixture in the skies over Iraq and Afghanistan, a new breed of unmanned aircraft operated with remote controls by "pilots" sitting in virtual cockpits many miles away.

But the Air Force's Global Hawk has never flown a mission over the United States.

That is set to change Monday, when the first Global Hawk is scheduled to land at Beale Air Force Base in northern California.

"This landmark flight has historic implications since it's the first time a Global Hawk has not only flown from Beale, but anywhere in the United States on an official Air Combat Command mission," base spokesman Capt. Michael Andrews said in a statement.

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  1. you should be careful how you report this sort of story as it's kind of misinformation.
    The way it's stated makes it seem as thought the GH has never flown over the US... which isn't

  2. "But the Air Force's Global Hawk has never flown a mission over the United States."

    Period...anon,,, WaPo and Wash Times, StrategyPage

    Test flights, of course,,, missions? No.
