This man is a hero. I say we get a photo of him and put it on our sidebar.
From the Brussels Journal:
More from the Australian:On Tuesday a Lutheran vicar set himself alight in the German town of Erfurt. The 73 year old Roland Weisselberg poured gasoline over himself and set fire to himself in the Erfurt monastery, where Martin Luther took his monastic vows in 1505. Bystanders rushed to extinguish the flames. The man later died of his injuries.
In a farewell letter to his wife the vicar wrote that he was setting himself on fire to warn against the danger of the Islamization of Europe. During the past four years the vicar had frequently expressed his concern about the expansion of Islam, urging the Lutheran Church to take this issue seriously.
A retired German clergyman who set fire to himself apparently in protest over the spread of Islam, died in hospital today, a Church spokesman said. Roland Weisselberg, 73, doused himself with petrol and set himself on fire outside a monastery in Erfurt in central Germany yesterday - a national holiday in parts of the country to celebrate the Protestant reformation.Certainly a shocking turn of events. I couldn't find any other English language information about this. German language readers can follow the Brussels Journal link to Der Spiegel for more.
I'd like to say that this may wake up Europeans but I know better than that. Some people don't want their dreams disturbed, even as they sleep on kindling and smoke drifts past their fluttering eyelids.
Roland Weisselberg is a true martyr, the Jan Palach of our time. Now we all have a duty to make sure that everybody learns about Weisselberg's protest - somehow I get the feeling that the defaitist dhimmi media will not be too eager to tell the world about this voluntarily.
ReplyDeleteWe ought to get a photo of him and put it up on the IBA sidebar.
ReplyDeleteNo photo is available so far.
ReplyDeleteWe'll get one.
ReplyDeleteNote that an Infidel martyr does what he does out of conscience and he does not take others down with him.
ReplyDeleteChristians are stupid if they don't understand that freedom of choice must precede a choice of Jesus Christ, or Orthodox Judaism, or Wicca, or whatever religion a person wants to choose.
Freedom is the first principle of God. In the Bible it is clear that God could have put an end to man's freedom of choice after the fall, but instead, He chose to continue on allowing His creatures have freedom. This is because He knows that real love is born out of free will.
The comments I posted at my site:
ReplyDeleteWow. Lutheran Vicar Roland Weisselberg immolated himself in Erfurt, Germany to protest and warn of Europe's surrender to Islam....
I suppose it is both a sin and anti-Christian to "martyr oneself," but if Nobel Peace Prize recipient Mother "Missionary Position" Theresa can be fast-tracked for sainthood, then surely the counter-jihadists can elucidate the story of this man's death and -- to transpose a cliche that has been employed about the Holocaust -- sift diamonds from these ashes?
Yes, it's a crying shame that suicides can't or won't muster the spiritual resolve to prevail over their inner turmoil. In Vicar Weisselberg's case, this is one hell of an admonition of the larger Christian martyrdom Europe has been and will continue to undergo. If it is anti-Christian to call it martyrdom, at a minimum it brings to mind Christian martyrdoms of the early Roman Empire, of the Nazi Reich, and now of Europe during Islam's aggressive, expansive, and implacable expansion into her borders. It also brings to mind Whittaker Chambers's conviction that Western Civilization is sick beyond saving, but nonetheless must be fought for.
God bless Vicar Weisselberg's (tortured) soul, wherever that soul may be.
Onward Christian soldiers!
Thing is, Jeremaya, unless I am mistaken, you don't have any evidence he was tortured.
ReplyDeleteHe may have simply been a 73 year old man who had seen Nazism and Communism pass, only to be hit with Jihadism here towards the end of his life. He may thought he could best stand against it through an act of sacrifice.
Burning oneself to death is not the way "tortured" people choose to kill themselves.
It's very painful.
You know... you're right, in so far as I haven't seen such evidence. Although self-inflicted martyrdom seems another sign of "things falling apart," albeit in an astonishingly lucid, nerves-of-steel kind of way.
ReplyDeleteBut a basic counter-jihadist talking point is that we value life and they don't, right?
I want to know more about the good vicar of Erfurt.
Y'know when Buddhist priests did this in Vietnam, in 1964+, it LEAD ALL NEWSCASTS..
Indeed it did. I am not holding my breath until Senator John Kerry pauses long enough from insulting our troops and president to make note of Vicar Weisselberg's protest. That poor man, what utter conviction and despair he must have been feeling.
ReplyDelete"No - no! - no! not your way, not your world -- even if this "no" is all that's to be left of mine!" -- Cheryl Taggart, "Atlas Shrugged".
Thank you, ernesto, for putting into such eloquent words the revulsion I feel at what Europe is doing -- once again -- to the Jews.
Unfortunately he didn’t take any of the enemy with him. Perhaps the next one will.
ReplyDeleteThe reponse in Germany? From the same article: "Axel Noack, the Lutheran Bishop of Saxony, said he is shocked by the tragic event in Erfurt. Bishop Noack emphasized that the motive for the suicide complicates matters. He said he hopes that the affair and the question of how Christians should relate to Muslims will not lead to unrest. The Bishop emphasized that Christians reject a culture war."
What does it mean to “reject a culture of war?” Does he mean that he rejects Islam? Or does he mean that he won’t fight Islam? Why do I have a sinking feeling that he means the latter?
The media will spin this as the guy being crazy.
ReplyDeleteBut, take note of what Epa said. When the Buddhist monks did this in Viet Nam, the left celebrated their sacrifice.
It will be interesting to see the same people who celebrated what the Buddhists did in Viet Nam, rushing to call this man crazy.
This is difficult, I think a Christian is not suppossed to take his life in his own hand.
ReplyDeleteIt is an indication how desperate people become when their society is under attack and the whole power structure shuns them, refuses to take its head out of the sand.
If this man was a well-ajusted individual, then it is a terrible indictment of the authorities.
I read some German press clippings and the pc reaction are absolutely ..... I fail for words, it is like being throttled.
Their own words condemn them.
ReplyDeleteIt what you say is true, then this will be another clarifying event.
What has surprised me is that there haven’t been suicide attacks against Islamic targets. Presumably someone with an incurable disease and little time left might very well decide to level a mosque where fundamentalist preachers have been known to inflame jihadists.
ReplyDeleteThis fellow may have had little time left and decided to draw attention to an issue his church won’t face. Being peaceful he only caused his own demise. Still, one wonders when some will take it on their own to do more.
I’m not suggesting that this is a good idea but when there is a failure to establish an atmosphere where the dangers of Islam can be examined and responded to in a rational manner, there tends to be underground movements that are crude in their response. When people lose confidence in their own governments they often take matters into their own hands. Unless the culture can accept an open debate without bigotry-baiting, it’s only a matter of time before people resort to desperate measures.
Anyone remember this old pop song?
ReplyDeleteNow I understand what you tried to say to me
How you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They did not listen, they did not know how
Perhaps they'll listen now
- Don MacLean, "Vincent"
Could have been about either Van Gogh, the painter or the filmmaker. Perhaps it applies to the good vicar of Erfurt.
I agree with turn and what pastorious says about freedom and free will.
ReplyDelete.... but I dont understand how you call this man a hero or a martyr?
Yes he spoke out.... maybe he is more of a sign.
Because I will not join in on the "anti Islam" party does not mean I am blind to a serious problem.
Who are the christians on this blog?
I follow jesus.
we are to fight, but we are to use the weapons and armor God gives us.
The world is on fire!
pull people from it and save them, that is the command.
If you chose the way of Jesus Barabs you chose your own savoir not the one sent... just as the jews did and you to would crusify christ.
Tu S Tin,
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that as Christians we shouldn't actually fight to defend Western Civilization?
That's a huge mistake to make.
Look at how the Word of God does NOT get preached in places where Freedom of Conscience is not respected.
Western Civilization (the freedom of the individual) is the protector of the Christian Church, just as the Christian Church is the preserver (the salt) of civilization.
That's my opinion anyway.
no!!!!! I am not saying that in any way at all!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes we should defend the world.
and we should be willing to die for that!!
We are to be peace makers,
we are baptized in water not fire.
peace is water... that is how you put out a fire and save others from burning.
We are to pull people from the fire!!!
I made a post about salt you should read it.
God bless this man for he if the first intentional martyr in the war to save western civilization. Islam is a wicked religion that must be stopped. Unfortunately, western Europe is lost. This fight will go on for decades.
ReplyDeleteno one understands! and no one EVER listens to me!
ReplyDeleteI have searched the middle east and muslim blogs, I find and talk to them, they speak against radicals not support them. Not only do they say distored Islam is spreading fear hate and death but when shown some of the blogs by "westerners" they are afarid.
You spread hate and fear aswell in a way that includes them.
then they have you and radicals to deal with. What freedom is there in that? We sould be working with them somehow .... trying to find peace. The koran predicts and warns its followers in the end days there will be nothing left of Islam but the name, and people called it will be farthest from it. it says to use the koran as a weapon against them. you use it to support them they grow from it.
Tu S. Tin,
ReplyDeleteWhat do we say on IBA (not in the comments section, where a variety of non-IBA writers vent) that you consider to be the spreading of hate?
We are condemning the Islam which would stone apostates, gays, and adulterers, which would enshroud women in burqas and niqabs, and which would try to spread Sharia law around the world.
What is wrong with that?
If Muslims are allied with us in the fight against these things, then I have no problem with them.
maybe you should change your name to "allied blogger allience" then and add some muslims who would.
ReplyDeletewhat you spread is fear,
there is no fear in love.
I am not saying we have nothing to fear or no enemy... but be careful of the weapons you chose to fight with.
Don't think I am blind to a problem or passive.
if you know the link for the " behead the infidel bloggers allience" I would like to speak to them too.
Tu S. Tin,
ReplyDeleteTruth is, we had a Muslim blogger for awhile. His name was Ali Eteraz. He ended up not agreeing with us, and left.
I still consider him a friend. I think he would say the same of me.
Additionally, we have several Muslim "apostates" who contribute here. Tell the Anti-Jihadist, Isaac Schrodinger, or the Avenging Apostate that they "hate" Muslims. That would mean they have to hate their own family and friends.
I am a proud Infidel. If my enemies want to kill me because of what the West stands for, then fuck them, because I love the Western world.
pride is a sin.... it's faith in yourself...
ReplyDeleteI love people not the world... and from every corner......
I will stand for God... not the west and if my enemies seek to kill me for that stands for ...
I must have done something right.
I stand for the West precisely because without the Western world protecting Freedom of Conscience there would be no place for Christianity. In China, the Muslim world, North Korea, and many other places, you can be arrested and even killed for transporting Bibles and preaching the Word of God.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is, Tu S. Tin, you are veering mighty close to the heresy of believing that the physical world does not matter. God created the physical world, and we live within it. We are to use our reason, along with prayer and scriptural study, to navigate our world. We are not to live only in a spiritual realm. We must acknowledge the realities in front of us. We can not simply say, love is the only important thing, and move on from there, living in a fairy land of love.
Administrating the world, and pruning the garden are important aspects of the world. Look at Paul's letters and how much administrative advice he dealt out.
Our governments are made up of ideas, some good and some bad. our governments in the West invariably protect Freedom of Conscience. Our governments do the job of administrating Freedom for us. As such, we need to be thankful for them. Without such protection human beings the world over would not have the opportunity to hear about Christ.
Here in the US, I help pay for Bibles and people to be smuggled into China and North Korea so that they can hear the word of God in those countries. I also support Voices of the Martyrs which sends missionaries to Islamic countries.
If we were not able to produce hundreds of millions of Bibles here in the US, these things could not be done.
Go ahead and tell me that that isn't important. I advise you to rethink your position. The Western world is vital. It is not a matter of pride. It is a matter of morality.
a fairy land of love?
I'm not stupid I don't need you to explain God or the world to me.
I have said all I can.
tu--Matthew 7:15
ReplyDeletenot quite sure what your point is pim.
ReplyDeleteI think this analogy is directed at individuals.
I give matthew 7:21 in response.... but I am not trying to argue with anyone.
sorry for my english
ReplyDeleteI am muslim man
I think, it's a bad idea to kill himself because you hate some thing called "islam" or "muslim"
we,you can't find any muslim who hate same people because of thier religion howeaver we fight only for our freedom not for "racism" this is the difference .
and how you think that islam is a bad relgion because you see same "bad muslim" do bad things,
I suggest that you try at least one time to read coran , you will know how this religion is peacfull.