
Thursday, November 02, 2006

Winds of War: The Shaping of the Battlefield Progresses

From The Gathering Storm

We can add Zanzibar to the recapture and advancement of the growing Islamic empire of the coming Caliphate.

Hizb ut Tahrir, a pan-Islamic group banned in several countries, has launched a new campaign in politically volatile Zanzibar, an island off the coast of Tanzania. The new campaign began when the group put up a series of posters overnight on Monday on the main island of the semi-autonomous Indian Ocean archipelago. The posters read simply 'The Solution is Khilaffa'. The slogan refers to the group's aim of creating a worldwide caliphate - or Islamic state - led by a single Islamic leader. "We are part of the international alliance calling and believing that Muslims should be led by one caliphate," Chande Khamis, a member of the group, said in Zanzibar's business district on Tuesday.

Zanzibar is 95% Muslim but the archipelago's government is secular and does not endorse any religion.

"Democracy is the way of infidels, and we do not want it to be imposed on the Muslim society," Khamis said. Khamis told Reuters the group - whose size he refused to give - does not advocate violence. "We want to lead peaceful transition from a secular state to an Islamic state," he said.

Just like Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Afgahnistan……

Here’s the threat. The recapture of the old Islamic empire and the extension of the new marches on.

Western analysis fear that a takeover in Zanzibar by radical Muslim groups could give militants a strategic toehold off the coast of east Africa - already a victim of al Qaeda bombings in 1998 in Tanzania and Kenya.

And what are they going to do about it? Wait for countries to fall one by one as the old Islamic Empire is reclaimed? Don’t they see there is a mid-evil culture slowly making advances on the Judeo-Christian societies and they sit back and scratch their knobby heads wondering what to do.

Oh, that’s right. These Western leaders have solution. Get America out of Iraq and cede that country to the growing Islamic Empire. Philip Brennan in his article FIGHTING BATTLES...IGNORING WARS, identifies the problem accurately. The non-Muslim world is not seeing the forest f before the trees. We are focused on the battles (Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, etc,) and whether they should be fought or not – not the war itself. The war against the Islamists and Islamo-fascism.

The Islamists know it’s a war against the non-Muslim world and the free democracies. They knew it in 1979.

In his extraordinary 2005 book "Tehran Rising" that should be required reading for every American, Ilan Berman recalled that in the preamble to the new Iranian constitution in 1979 it was clearly stated that the nation's armed forces "will be responsible not only safeguarding our borders, but also for accomplishing an ideological mission, that is Jehad for the sake of God, as well as for struggling to open the war for the sovereignty of the Word of God throughout the world." If you are looking for the declaration of war against the non-Moslem world, this 1979 proclamation is it.

And Khomeini backed his bellicose words with immediate action, setting up the Pasdaran, The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. According to Berman, it was originally given the job of rooting out any domestic opposition to the regime, but was quickly transformed into a counterpart to Iran's standing army, and the principal arm of the Jihad.

Wrote Berman, "just six months after his ascension to power, Khomeini told the 'governments of the world' that they should know 'that Islam cannot be defeated. Islam will be victorious in all the countries of the world, and Islam and the teachings of the Koran will prevail over the world.'" Tehran reached out to fellow Islamic radicals around the globe and thousands flocked to Iran where, Berman writes, "they found military training, political assistance and massive financial support from an Iranian government eager to internationalize its radical religious revolution."

As for our attentions on battles instead of the war….

We make a serious mistake when we fail to recognize that the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan and Lebanon are merely part of a worldwide war. We cannot prevail in any of these conflicts as long as we insist on treating them as isolated incidents. We are engaged in combat with a well financed, determined enemy with forces in every corner of the globe that will not cease their attacks until we drive them off the face of the earth.

‘nuff said.

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