
Sunday, November 04, 2007

“A Fatwa For You”

Tired of all those fatwas spewed from proclaimed and self-proclaimed imams? Are you even fatwa-worthy? After all, there’s no central authority in Islam. Are you confused by dueling fatwas? Any self-deluded Muslim can step up to the microphone and declare a fatwa on – well, anyone or anything he pleases. Sorry, there are no female imams so the ‘he’ in this case is politically correct.
Now you can get in on the fatwa craze with A Fatwa For You.

Choose from a wide selection of fatwas in the categories of Office, Traffic, Sports, Politics and Fashion. Just answer a few questions from their drop down menu and – Voila! – instant fatwa for you and your friends to enjoy.

Here’s mine on Jimmy Carter.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

1 comment:

  1. Fatwahs? Hmmph. I get thinwahs, deathwahs, even a couple of dagwahs, but nary a fatwah I can take to the bank. Life sucketh. Nobody hates me very much. Except my friends; but that's only because they know me.
