All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Yellow Brick Road Winds Past The IslamoIdiots
A superstitious culture spends time learning how to inflict pain upon their enemies. A science-based culture invents new technologies which can help human beings overcome their weak and pain.
Unfortunately, as we move ahead and into our brave future, the road we have to take winds past Dar al-Islam (the land of Islam). We have no way around it at this time. We must confront them.
One person who gives me hope is Al Fin:
The road to the "Emerald City" of the future is taking us past some interesting technological scenery. From biotech to nanotech to robotics and machine intelligence, if we can keep the violent religious and ideological fanatics occupied elsewhere, our future should look even stranger than the Land of Oz.
A few weeks ago, bioengineers at Keio University in Japan demonstrated control of the computer game Second Life using a non-invasive “brain-computer” interface. Cyberonics, a Houston-based company, markets an implantable brain chip that was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat depression.
Of course depression is just one of many human ills the Transhumanists promise to eliminate — along with cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, baldness, poverty, global warming, aging and ultimately death.
Perhaps the futurists’ predictions are too wild, and their time scale overly ambitious. Surely human inefficiency, religious reticence and global political instability could slow down the transformation. But ultimately, we are quibbling over when, not if, it will happen.
Consider the many things you will ask your "Home Fab" to make for you. And once we understand the magic of "self-assembly" better, what nanotechnological marvels will we eventually "shake and bake?
"We need smarter brains, and pharmacologists are working on that. Using marvelous new tools for imaging the body and the functioning brain, scientists are solving many of the problems that have prevented us from shaping our own future selves.
We do need to be smarter, and certainly if we suffer damage to our brains, we need better ways of restoring ourselves to full neural function. We plan to live a long time, and the brain will certainly suffer from traumatic and degenerative change over many decades and centuries of time. We can try to follow the many projects of organisations such as SENS, CRN, The Lifeboat Foundation, the Singularity Institute, Foresight Institute, and those of many other institutions.
Although we cannot possibly follow them all as closely as we would like, with the magic of high speed internet and hyperlinked multimedia, we can at least scan across the tip of the iceberg. I do recommend making personal connections with people who at least are dipping their toes in the current.
Check out some of the links on the Al Fin sidebar.
Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the darling of the New York Times, believes the human race is only about 2,000 years old:
- Chavez: How many years old is the human race, Francois? 20 centuries, right? Something like 20 centuries?
- Francois: A little more.
- Chavez: A little more?
- Francois: Yes.
- Chavez: about 25?
- Francois: Yes, sure
- Chavez: 25 centuries, yes -- thanks bro.
Don't even mention it, Hugo.
And, of course, Imam after Imam in the Islamic world preaches about the magical death rays that emanate from the hair of Zionist women:
Magical rays emanating from the hair of attractive Jewish women, with the ability to mesmerize Muslim men and render them sexually enslaved. Based on an Islamic justification of the need for the hijab, which covers women's hair so that it does not inflame the passions of men. Various imams have sermonized about "rays" from women's hair which needed to be avoided, and the notion was exaggerated by female bloggers for satirical purposes.
In their quest for world domination, Wahabbi clerics caution their male followers about the dangers of Zionist hair rays. Sexually repressed Saudis are considered particularly vulnerable. Imams are to be on the lookout for any man screaming: "Oy vey! I am sick of of staring at burqas night and day!"
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