I've been travelling this week, so I haven't had much time to blog. However, I saw this on CNN last night (in the hotel room) and simply couldn't believe what I was hearing (thanks to Michael Travis):
By Debbie Schlussel
I've been on the case of gazillionaire GOP Congressman Darrell Issa a/k/a "Jihad Darrell", since just after 9/11, when he praised Hezbollah as a "humanitarian" group of "farmers" and went to Ramallah to become Yasser Arafat's personal taste tester (not kidding).
Since then, Issa's continued to fete the Assads of Syria, the Hezbos of Lebanon, the Fatah-niks of the so-called Palestinian authority, and has called Israel an "apartheid" state a la Jimmy "Jimmuh" Carter. Nancy Pelosi's got nothin' on Jihad Darrell.
That's not to mention Issa's lengthy criminal and marred military record, and the sickening way Issa stole a company out from under his boss and went on to make millions by stealing patents and litigating everyone out of business.
As readers know, I've repeatedly written about Issa in the New York Post and elsewhere, and the thing that most galls me is the way the GOP gloms onto this guy, rather than disowning him the way they did David Duke in the Reagan days.
But things are changing, and I hope it's a trend.
Last year, after I wrote a NYPost column about the San Diego Republican's bid to become House Republican Policy chief and about his record of pandering to America's Islamic terrorist enemies, the article was circulated among House Republicans. And Issa was defeated by a more than 2-1 margin. Since then, though, top Republicans--like the retiring Rep. Tom Davis--have been pushing Issa for key Republican posts, like budget czar and procurement chief.
But Issa's antics, this week, may finally shut the lid on his ambitions.
On Wednesday, Issa called the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America "'simply' a plane crash."
He made comments like this in House hearings regarding continuing federal assistance to 9/11 first responders, many of whom are stricken with life-threatening ailments because they inhaled the fumes of the attacks or were otherwise seriously injured.
The New York Daily News reports that Issa
suggest[ed] the federal government had already done enough to help New York cope with "a fire" that "simply was an aircraft" hitting the World Trade Center.
That any American Congressman--no less, a so-called conservative Republican--would say such a thing about the largest, most outrageous attack on American soil, is disgusting.
... the GOP has had several years and ample opportunity to learn Issa's pan-jihadist views, it's about time they asked him to step aside and resign from office, altogether.
They did so with David Duke. And Issa is far scarier, since he has mainstream respect and a following that the fringe-character Duke never had.
I hope Republicans will take the words of two of Issa's GOP colleagues to heart:
"It seems that with the passage of time, something happened along the way where the scope of the problem and the real extent of the problem has not drifted out to California," fumed Staten Island GOP Rep. Vito Fossella. . . .
"New York was attacked by Al Qaeda. It doesn't have to be attacked by Congress," added Long Island Rep. Pete King, a Republican.
"I'm really surprised by Darrell Issa," King added. "It showed such a cavalier dismissal of what happened to New York. It's wrong and inexcusable."
But, since his pan-Islamist antics have been legion since 9/11, none of Issa's actions should surprise these men.
Set up a meeting with him and Jesse Ventura. I'm thinking cage match here. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll kill each other off.