
Friday, April 04, 2008

Wall Street Digging Own Grave With A Sharia Shovel?

From National Review Online and also posted at Northeast Intelligence Network , this important article spotlights what is possibly the most dangerous Trojan Horse vehicle for the legitimization of Sharia law in the West: sharia-compliant "halal" investing.

Jihad Comes to Wall Street

By Alex Alexiev

...For the growing army of its acolytes, who salivate at the prospect of tens of billions of dollars in transaction fees from the burgeoning industry, sharia-compliant finance is seen as little more than a cuddly Islamic version of socially conscious investment — with ethical strictures forbidding usury and sin industries, and emphasizing charity. Indeed, a conference on the subject last Fall co-sponsored by the Wall Street Journal was titled just that: “Islamic Ethical Investment.” According to this rosy interpretation, sharia finance is a windfall for capital markets — allowing Wall Street to skim some foam off the ocean of petrodollar liquidity in the Middle East, and put it to good use.

Other interpretations are possible, of course. Critics see sharia finance as a massive subversion campaign by radical Islam designed to legitimize sharia in the West, to undermine our markets, and ultimately to imperil our free-enterprise system and national security — all the while exposing banks to financial risks that make the sub-prime fiasco look like a walk in the park. For its proponents and ideological enablers — such as the well known suicide-bombing advocate, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi — sharia finance is nothing less than “Jihad with money.” As al-Qaradawi explains, “God has ordered us to fight enemies with our lives and with our money.” Unfortunately for Wall Street, it’s hard to argue with the good sheikh on that score. Far from being a guide to ethical investment, sharia finance is indistinguishable from sharia itself. Sharia is a reactionary-to-the-core medieval Islamic doctrine that claims control over every aspect of every Muslim’s life. It imposes such “ethical” mandates on Muslims as the obligation to discriminate against women and non-Muslims; to kill homosexuals, adulterers, and apostates; to establish and maintain Muslim rule around the world; and to carry out violent offensive jihad against infidels. Notably, for those Muslims who cannot engage in physical jihad using force of arms, sharia requires that they support jihad financially. This is what sharia finance is all about. Far from being a legitimate investment vehicle, sharia finance facilitates religiously sanctioned support for terrorist organizations — as well as providing radical Islamists with highly paid sinecures as sharia-finance board advisors in the sanctum sanctorum of capitalism, all the while that they are pursuing a subversive campaign to destroy it.

Predictably, none of this is even remotely disclosed by any of the dozens of Western banks promoting sharia finance today, which obviously exposes them to huge non-disclosure risks ranging from fraudulent misrepresentation, to material support for terrorism...

Read it all. As Alexiev warns, the same Wall Street "masters of the universe" who brought us the recent sup-prime debacle are welcoming "malignant Islamism" into our capital markets with open arms and eyes wide shut. Alexiev calls it fraudulent misrepresentation of investment risk. I'm sorely tempted to call it treason.


  1. The good folks at the Gathering Storm were discussing the Islamic Financing situation today on their radio programme. Unfortunately for has been on the Wall Street and Harvard Appeasement menu for quite some time now!!!!!!!

    This situation will end in an entirely unpleasant manner.

  2. RRA,
    Well put. Our ignorance about the dangers of Islam is creating a situation where people in fields as diverse as law, economics, academica, government, and social work are committing treason against the Western tradition without even realizing the gravity of their actions.
