(Hat tip: Democracy Broadcasting News)
Anti-Semitism is on the rise worldwide, but its especially noticeable in Europe. There is a definite connection between hatred of Israel and hatred of Jews in general-- both inflammed by media coverage that is strongly biased against Israel.
The EU says Muslims are responsible for half of all attacks on Jews in Europe...Learn more:
"The French are using the Muslims, allowing the Muslims, to express this vicious and violent, murderous Jews hatred, and they get a free ride on their old fashioned anti-Semitism," Poller said.
"The whole Lebanon war was shown from the Hezbollah point of view. Israel was the villain. And Hezbollah were the innocents who were suffering. So all the Muslims in France got another dose of Jew hatred."
And when Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006, anti-Semitic violence in Europe surged...
A senior Dutch politician told me a few months ago, "Look, the Jews have to understand that in the Netherlands, they have no future," he said.
"In large part because Israel lost the media war in Europe long ago, and the Jews are still paying for it."
1. How the new left and radical Islam have joined forces-- ConceptWizard's excellent online slideshow presentation about the "New" anti-Semitism: Pipeline of Hatred.
2. Video: How anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry and intolerance are being preached in mosques in the U.K.-- reporters sneak cameras into British Mosques. Undercover Mosque.
3. Video: How anti-Semitism and anti-Christian bigotry and intolerance are being taught in a Saudi-sponsored school in the U.K. The King Fahd Academy
4. Video: A very thorough video on the increase of anti-Semitism in the U.K. Anti-Semitism in Britain 2007, Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5.
5. Video: Then And Now, Part I, Shocking similarities between past Nazi propaganda and current day Islamic propaganda.
6, Videos: A list of 25 selected videos re: Israel and also re: anti-Semitism.
7. More links to related articles & videos-- on Newsvine: Anti-Semitism, Islamic extremism, Israel, Media, Media bias, Videos.
(Cross-posted on A Deeper Look)
From the Jewish Chronicle...
ReplyDelete"If you drove past a North London Tube station on a Saturday night between around 1980 and 1999, the likelihood is that you would have witnessed hordes of Jewish youngsters hanging around outside, gossiping, flirting and showing off their latest pair of Nike trainers or Chipie chinos.
Known as “becks” — a term some say derived from the Biblical name Rebecca, but was applied equally to girls and boys — they were confident, materialistic and gregarious. But although the label is still in use, these days they are harder to spot....
Rabbi Leivi Sudak ... laments their disappearance. He believes the teenagers were driven off the streets by “yobs” and protection rackets, and because of complaints about the noise they made.
“I mourn the demise of the becks,” he says. “The reason they don’t socialise on the streets any more is because they used to get attacked by other groups. Our children became victims and we didn’t respond correctly to it. We were embarrassed by this institution. We didn’t like the noise and the numbers, therefore we discouraged the becks. When there was no longer a safe place for them to be, the becks ceased to be. Now there aren’t any Jewish meeting places where they can just be normal kids.”
from http://www.thejc.com/home.aspx?ParentId=m14&SecId=14&AId=59075&ATypeId=1
COMMENT Why can't Jewish kids socialise openly in public these days? Who are these 'yobs', 'other groups' and 'protection rackets' who have appeared since 1999 to intimidate and attack them?
The Jewish Chronicle is afraid to name them. My guess is they're Methodists.
Even the Sunday folk are dissipating. I would say, that along with the rise of immigrant pakistanis, there is intermarriage among white English women to muslim men. Those are definitely the yobs and chavs.