
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Youth Gang Torments Nursery School

What makes these kids think they can get away with this kind of behavior day after day? Do you think they are getting some sort of encouragement from their elders?

Thanks to Her Royal Whyness for sending this in:

From The Copenhagen Post

A group of ethnic minority kids has been terrorising a nursery school in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, throwing rocks at teachers, parents and even the young children at the facility.
Day care facility Midgård lies next to council estate Mjølnerparken, from which five or six 10 to 12-year-old boys have been making life for the nursery school's personnel and patrons a living hell for the past two weeks.

Although harassment from estate kids to a lesser degree has been tolerated by the facility's staff and administration for some time, the incidents over the past couple weeks have now crossed the line, said Annette Zahle, Midgård's administrative director. 'We're used to a lot but this is simply too egregious,' Zahle told Nyhedsavisen newspaper. 'We're naturally deeply concerned, especially because these kids probably don't realise their actions can have serious consequences if one of our children were hit in the head.'

A mother was recently struck in the leg by a projectile thrown by the young troublemakers, who also attempted to enter the building last week, threatening the staff with crowbars.

On Tuesday, a child at the nursery school was nearly struck by a large rock thrown by one of the youths.

'The day care workers have started telling me they're afraid to send the children out to the playground, which is a very disturbing development,' said Zahle.

The district police are taking the situation very seriously, said officer Søren Wiborg.
I’m sorry Miss Zahle but you are seriously deluded if you think that these young thugs don’t realise the seriousness of their actions. A 4 year old might throw a stone and not realise that someone would be hurt if it hit them. Boys of this age with rocks and crowbars will know exactly what they are doing and they must be stopped. Zero tolerance! It’s now the only way.
Also of note is the delicate way the thugs frightening tiny children are described as “ethnic minority kids”. I found this report from
AMUCK – A Mentoring Project in Nørrebro, Copenhagen which is a project working with teenage boys. Extracts below :-

People from more than 30 nationalities lives in ‘Mjølnerparken’. Less than 10 % of the apartments are occupied by ethnic Danes. Approximately 60 % of the inhabitants come from Arabic speaking countries (Palestinians, Lebanese and Iraqis) (from a separate article in Danish I get the impression that another common language is Urdu) . . .

The main part of the boys either has a Palestinian or Arabic background; some few have a Somalian background. . .

The following shows some of the objectives the boys/mentors has worked with – and obtained:

· Getting up in the morning
· Getting a job

Somehow I don’t believe that it is Greenlanders attacking toddlers and their Mums.


  1. The children are only behaving that way because their parents neglect them. Therefore, we need some new government programs to take care of these poor neglected Jihadis in the making.

  2. Arrested? Why? Deport the f*kers and all their kin in complementary wooden caskets . . .but only if you want to show mercy.

    Damn, if things don't change soon - this is going to get bloody ugly.

  3. Is it necessarily bad if things don't change soon?

  4. if the danes were still men they'd torch all the mosques.

  5. When would we know that it was time to torch all the Mosques in our own countries?

  6. When the young mujahedin start to pillage and rape and harass the kiddies in their Lutheran pre-schools, I guess, Jaco.

  7. What happened to the Viking, or the Nordic races of men, the same that happened to the Celt, the Anglo Saxon. The Viking fighting spirit died in SS divisions on the Russian front, the Anglo Saxon and Celt's died on the Somme, at Paschendale and at Tobruk and Dunkirk. Our forefathers blood should have sealed our bond to remain free peoples forevermore, but instead too many of the good genes were wasted on those battlefields, and not enough good men came home to redress the balance. When will the whiteman wake up to his own extinction and replacement?

  8. My super social worker daughter would say... 'the parents are not modeling correct behavior'

    Oscar Hammerstein DID say 'you've got to be carefully taught'

    One thing is for sure ...what's needed is tar, feathers, and a bunch of rails.

    Take these KIDS and send them to Iceland or Svalbard for 30 days in Feb for labor.

  9. It seems as the lesson Europe learned from WWII was not to fight, when the lesson ought to have been that we need to fight evil.
