
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Raid On The Reactor

In 1981, Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, was well on his way to completing the Osirak nuclear reactor, which he planned on using to enrich Uranium in order to build nuclear weapons.

If Hussein's Iraq had achieved nuclear capability, the world would have changed for the worse forever.

Israel was unwilling to allow this to happen. The IDF planned and successfully executed an amazing air attack, destroying the reactor.

The whole world owes a debt of gratitude to Israel for this brave and epochal raid.

We can only hope Israel is planning on doing the same thing to the Iranian nuclear facilities.


  1. I applaud the tenacity of the Israeli military however I found your closing line, "We can only hope Israel is planning on doing the same thing to the Iranian nuclear facilities." disturbing. Why would we, the most powerful nation with the most powerful military in the world have to "hope" that Israel does the right thing? Why don't we do it first and while we're at it we might as well roll out the B-1's and start carpet bombing. I am so tired of the US pussyfooting around and worring what France or Germany or some BumF**k Podunk country thinks about us. You know what? I.DON'T.CARE. what the world thinks of us. I.DON'T.CARE. if they don't like us. I think it would be great if they don't like us and then kicks us out of the UN for being so BAAAADDD.

  2. Forget it anon, this admin does not have the political will, or the effective control of its arms nd legs to attack the nuclear cycle in Iran (why and how do you think the NIE came out as it did?)

    However, w rgd to Israel acting...we should all remember the absolutely UNIVERSAL condemnation, INCLUDING FROM RONALD REAGAN AND HIS ENTIRE ADMIN which avalanched over Israel in 1981 for acting in a manner, which 9 years later turned to have saved probably ten of thousands of lives, and perhaps prevented Saddam from OWNING both Kuwait and KSA.

  3. Pay particular attention to the last ten minutes of the film as General Alexander Haig describes the emergency [Reagan] Cabinet meeting the morning after the pre-emptive attack on the Osirik facility.

  4. Anonymous,
    I agree with Epa. If Bush were to order such a raid, the New York Times would announce it in advance.

    Besides, I also agree with Epa when he says, that there is no political will in the U.S. for such an attack. "Bush lied" about Iraq. So, if he says we must attack Iran, well then, that is a "lie" too.

    We're fucked, if Israel doesn't act.

    I wish I knew how to excise the part Michael refers to and just post Haig's comments, but I am not an editor.

    The point of this video is that, while the American media joined the rest of the world in its condemnation of Israel, the Reagan administration remained steadfast in its support of Israel's actions.

  5. Not quite:
    "The attack was universally criticized. The United States voted for a Security Council resolution condemning Israel and, as a punishment, delayed a shipment of aircraft to Israel that had already been authorized."

    And then...Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and Caspar Weinberger instituted an undeclared intelligence embargo against Israel in the wake of the Osirak strike

    From Reagan Diaries:
    June 7 - Got word Israeli bombing of Iraq - nuclear reactor. I swear Armageddon is near.
    Returned to W.H. at 3 P.M. More word on bombing. P.M. Begin informed us after the fact.

    June 9 - Ended the day with an N.S.C. meeting re the bombing of Iraq. P.M. Begin insists the plant was preparing to produce nuclear weapons for use on Israel. If he waited 'til the French shipment of "hot" Uranium arrived he couldn't order the bombing because to the radiation that would be loosed over Baghdad.
    I can understand his fear but feel he took the wrong option. He should have told us & the French, we could have done something to remove the threat.

    Of course it now appears that the outgoing Carter admin in 1980 failed to inform the Reagan admin that Israel was going to take out Osirak if negotiations with the French failed and the US took no action

    Reagan formally condemned the action

    However a month later....
    "However, after the dust settled, the Americans recognized the importance of this remarkable event and privately sent their congratulations. In fact, one month after the event the National Security Advisor to President Reagan came on a visit to Prime Minister Begin. They met at the Prime Minister's residence and after their formal discussion at which Yechiel Kadishai and Shlomo Nakdimon (Begin's media advisor) were present, the American told the Prime Minister that he had a personal message from the president and he had to do it "under four eyes," meaning only him and Begin. Begin told him to go ahead, that even with the two other people in the room, the conversation was as private as if they were alone. The American thought for a moment, nodded his head and said: "The President's message is "Well Done!"

    Ten years later, of course, at the time of the first American War against Iraq, Desert Storm, scores of American Senators, Congressmen, newspaper editors and other public figures came to Israel, met with Prime Minister Shamir and proffered their gratitude for what Israel had done in 1981."

    Ironically this echoes another amazing historical episode.

  6. It would seem to me that, from what I know of Reagan and his stinginess with words in his daily journal, it is unfair to say that Reagan's diary entry referencing "Armageddon" came anywhere near to expressing the totality of his thoughts.

    I think you know that.

    I really shouldn't even have to say it.

    That the US voted to condemn Israel along with the UN is shameful. No doubt.


  8. Pastorius.....actually, except for Ronald Reagan and one other cabinet member.....the entire Administration demanded "action" against Israel. We now know that this was to be massive military strikes against the Jewish State.........something that has been threatened on a monthly basis ever since. (And by every administration since Truman....with only Dwight Eisenhower ever regretting his decision his biography and in Life Magazine)

  9. Michael,

    Yes, thanks. I am aware that Israel faced international condemnation and found themselves without friends for this heroic action.

    Freaking pathetic.
