
Saturday, April 05, 2008

UC Irvine: Hotbed of Islamic Anti-Semitism

Muslim anti-Semitism is so bad a UCI that the US Senate Judiciary Commitee has demanded that the Dept. of Education Investigate the problem.

But, that doesn't stop the Orange County Register from denying there is anti-Semitism at UCI:

The following is a sample of what a Jewish or pro-Israel student could potentially experience during daily campus life at UC Irvine and the Muslim Student Union's quarterly anti-Jewish, anti-American, and anti-West programs:
1. The desecration of Israeli flags with swastikas and blood stains.

2. Intimidation and abuse while practicing student journalism and protest during Muslim Student Union events. This has included the use of photo capture of the faces of Jewish or pro-Israeli students for the use of future intimidation; pushing, shoving, and shouting in the faces of Jewish or pro-Israeli students; and assault with hurtful objects such as rocks by Muslim Student Union Members.
3. Muslim speakers who express their desire for Israel to be wiped off the map.
4. Muslim speakers who express their hatred towards Jews involved in politics.
5. Muslim speakers who blame Jews on undesirable social conditions.
6. Muslim speakers who tell Jews to get out of their ghettos.
7. Muslim speakers who boast that Jews are afraid to get on buses in Israel out of fear of the "freedom fighters" who strap bombs to their bodies.
8. Muslim speakers who assert that "Jews are the new Nazis."
9. Depictions of Jews with hooked noses in exhibits.
10. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty meant to demonize Jews.
11. The intimidation of Jewish and pro-Israeli speakers by members of the Muslim Student Union.
12. Programs hosted by the Muslim Student Union titled: "Holocaust in the Holyland," "Genocide in Gaza," and "Israel: The 4th Reich."
13. Posters on campus suggesting that Israeli soldiers target Arab children to shoot on sight.

Here's video of the vile Jew-hatred which exists openly on the campus at UCI:


  1. Nah. More JTF, less JDL.

  2. You folks got an email address?

  3. The Jewish Defense Force was founded by Kahane.

    You can email us at

    cuanasblog at

  4. Sorry. Make that

    the Jewish Defense League (JDL) was founded by Kahane.

  5. i have a strong urge to crack open the skull of this black racist "imamu" with an aluminum baseball bat. his smug, smirking grin just begs for a smashing. i wonder if this moron would still be such a fanatical arab-loving muslim were he to spend time in dubai or other gulf states - considering what a dubai-born somali i know tells me about how blacks are treated there!

  6. Unfortunately SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE is inculcating idea that physical, and verbal confrontation is the way to get ahead.

    If as in #2 above, violence THEN OCCURS to anyone captured, and the capture, should be captured as evidence, then it's time to bring in the SPLC and at the minimum (in case they claim the muslim at question is unbalanced) the institutions involved, student orgs, mosques, etc can then be financially eviscerated in court.

    Maybe we should be selling MOSSAD t-shirts.

    #6 ...get out their ghettoes? Irvine? What, too crowded at the Cheesecake Factory?
    #11 - if the University does nothing about this, it's time for civil action, and bring in the TV crews to embarrass these gavones.
    #13, make other posters, with the truth ..I have some nice hi res fotos of ole Haj Amin .. 11 x 17 all over campus. Hire a helicopter and drop 10,000 leaflets. #13 is a PROPER way to dispute any poltical issue no matter how Winston Smith the MSU goes.

  7. Epa,
    The SPLC???

    I count them as useless as the ADL. They're still hunting down white supremacists in church's. I read their ridiculous magazine on occasion. They might as well be on the side of the Jihadis.

  8. SPLC invented the only means we have of taking out people who incite violence when violence results.

    They may not have dreamed that it could be used this way when they killed aryan nations, but never the less, these are different times, and different issues.

  9. Check out their "hate groups" list. How did Voz de Atzlan get to be categorized "General Hate"? They appear rather specific to me: gringos. They've got Young Americans for Freedom down as "General Hate". Has YAF really fallen into that category? In Michigan the only group with "Islam" in its name is NOI.

    Their "Teaching Tolerance" page features a photo of little girls in hijab and liberal use of the word "diversity".

    Somehow I hesitate to count on SPLC to uphold the rights of UC Jewish students threatened by Islamists with anything like the appropriate vigor. On the other hand, holding their feet to the fire until they admit that's what they ought to be doing could be both amusing and enlightening.

  10. Epa,
    I agree, these are different times and they call for different measures.

    Meanwhile, the SPLC and the ADL are worried about Evangelicals like me.

    I see scant evidence that either organization recognizes that times have changed.

  11. I have no clue what the SPLC WOULD DO, but I know what the methods they invented DID do and can do.

    If a mosque, or a college group, OR evangelicals OR the JDL professes and teaches hate and violence, the group as a non profit corp, or LLC or whatever, and the church board of directors, mosque, temple whatever are financially responsible for the damages SHOULD those they teach go out and commit acts based on those teachings. Thus your freedom of speech is totally protected, but you better be ready for accountability.

    Any group, OR church, OR mosque OR synagogue, or shinto or martian whatever, irregardless of religion, size, shape, color, or gender can be driven OUT of existence this way. It doesn't matter what you are, only what you teach, IF and only IF violence results.

    My gripe with the SPLC centers on border security and I have been banging them over the head with their STUPID friggin attitude about border security and racism, immediately assuming the first means the second. They are slowly coming to the view that while most racists are for a closed and therefeore secure border, they represent a SMALL % of those who want a real border, but have all kinds of different ideas about immigration

    The ADL is actually WORRIED about evangelicals? Typical. I think the jewish people as a whole have a far more serious set of issues confronting them. These idiots also refused to name the armemian pogrom of 1915-17 a genocide, which it unmistakably was.

    It's amazing how easy it is to become de-legitimized.

  12. RRA - YAF of michigan got a hate asterisk because they invited the head of the BNP to speak there.


  13. Abe Foxman and the Reformed Jews have both attacked Evangelicals in the past few years:

    Thing is, I attack Evangelicals too. But, I attack them for the fact that they say they care, and then refuse to actually do anything.

    That is a different thing entirely than what Foxman does.

  14. One wonders if YAF Michigan is really a hate group or if they are just continuing the YAF tradition of cluelessness.
