
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Storm Track Appeasement: The Last Year of the Pig ?

China has joined the long sorry list of countries bending to the will of their Muslim minority. If you’ve ever eaten at a Chinese restaurant, you would be familiar with the Chinese calendar. The restaurants I ate at have the calendar right on the paper placemat.

The Chinese calendar is based on a twelve year cycle, each year being represented by an animal. 2005 was Year of Rooster. 2004 was Year of Monkey. 2003 was Year of Goat (sheep, ram). 2002 was Year of Horse.

This year was the year of the Pig. Muslims didn’t like that.

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.


  1. UGH!!!

    Next thing you know, it will be an offense to have pig decor on my own front porch.

  2. WC,

    When even the Chi-Coms cave, you know your in trouble

  3. Damn right, Damien, good call.
    All I say to this is: Eat Me

  4. Bosch,

    Its a good thing the last supreme court gun rights case ruled in favor of the second amendment, we will need them!

    By the way, here's an idea.
    Lets drop Pigs the next we go to war with one of these Islam-o-Fascist countries.
