Isn't that how the Godfather gives orders?
You say it privately to one person, who carries it out for you, and then, you have complete deniability. No responsibility.
This is the rule of all mafia organizations, and that's the way Obama is playing it.
From Debbie Schlussel:
Barack Obama claims he's against HAMAS and Hezbollah and is offended by
President Bush's speech in Israel about Obama's ethos of "appeasement." So why
is he meeting
with one of Hezbollah's most important imams and agents in America, Imam Hassan
Qazwini?And why is this open anti-Semite and supporter of Israel's
annihilation getting to discuss "the Arab-Israeli conflict" in a private
one-on-one meeting with Obama?What was said? I think we can do the math.
Qazwini is very open about his support for Palestinian homicide bombings, HAMAS, and Hezbollah. And he's a good friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah--the man who issued the fatwa to Hezbollah terrorists to murder over 300 U.S. Marines and U.S. Embassy civilians in cold blood.
Qazwini's mosque has held rallies and celebrations in support of Hezbollah, and many of Hezbollah's biggest money-launderers and agents in America are his congregants.
When I went undercover to his mosque in 1998, he and others welcomed Nation of Islam chief racist Louis Farrakhan as "our dear brother" and "a freedom fighter." Qazwini applauded Farrakhan's anti-Semitic statements saying that Jews were the "forces of Satan" and that there needed to be a "jihad" on the American people.
Go read the whole thing.
Said it before, say it again. Obama is NOT "naive", he is a Trojan Horse, a ringer, and the mask will come off bright and early on January 21, 2009. It is just as much a mistake to think we can trust him as it is to think we can trust Ahmadinejerk.
ReplyDeleteHave to laugh when I think of all the jabber about Bush and the New World Order. Whatever elements of truth were in there pale in comparison to what an Obama administration has in store for us.
I'm afraid you may be right.
ReplyDeleteAre Brad Thor's books selling?
ReplyDeleteThis alone is reason enough not to vote for him.
Don't know, "Last Patriot" only came out on Tuesday. I'm telling everyone to read it, it's a good page-turner and packed with info. When the manager read some of the cover notes at meeting everyone looked at him like he was nuts. He read it like he thought Thor was nuts. I told them Thor was already under death threats and they looked at me like I was nuts. The clueless level out there is truly frightening.
ReplyDeleteThe clueless level is stunning! I agree! There is a reason ostrich's don't fly, they are too busy with their heads in the proverbial sand of inaneness and triviality. So few want to know the truth, and even when some do, they get scared and run away. I see it every day!
ReplyDelete10 years from now, people will be asking why we did not connect the dots with this Obamination!
So, RRA, you're nuts for telling them the truth.
ReplyDeleteThat pisses me off. I'm getting awfully sick of that kind of crap.
ReplyDeleteThat could be true. Some things Obama says indicate he could just be a Jimmy Carter rehash, which is bad enough, but not treasonous. But, his relationship with Wright, Ayres, Farrakhan, Odinga, and this guy makes me worry that he is something much worse than Carter.
I just came off the beach in the middle of a gorgeous afternoon because I'm in the middle of "Last Patriot" and can't put it down even though I've already cribbed the ending and we need to get as many people as possible to read this thing because they won't be able to put it down either. He packs an amazing amount of info in there and does it with incredible skill, it's as good a page-turner as "DaVinci Code" was and has the potential for that kind of readership.
ReplyDeleteObama is saying whatever he and his handlers think he needs to say to get elected. They saw what happened when Wright, Ayers, the NOI and the rest crawled out from under the rock and they know their job now is to move him as far away from that image as possible. But it's not just an image. It's the reality.
Hey RRA, maybe when you have a little time you could up a post about the book.
ReplyDeleteFrom one of the links int he posting:
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the meeting, Qazwini said he gave Obama a copy of new book, “American Crescent,” and invited Obama to visit his center.
HERE is the Amazon info on that book. Excerpt from the editorial review:
In this inspiring narrative, one of this country’s most important Muslim leaders reveals the story of his life and his faith, and why Islam is good for America....
Did Obama read the book? No way of knowing, I suppose.
I'll have it finished tonight or tomorrow and try to get in a posting over the weekend. Someone over on LGF is also planning to do a review.
ReplyDeleteWell, we do know Obama has been reading the
ReplyDeletePost American World